Versions Compared


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This article explains how to present the display Jira issues in a table format in Confluence using data from Jira page using Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI) and Jira Command Line Interface (CLI).


Follow the below steps:



  • get the issues from Jira and storePage to create or update in a Confluence page

    Execute the following action. 

    Code Block
    -a run -i "myjira -a getIssueList --jql project=project_key --columns 1,2,3,4 --outputType html -f @temp" -i "myconf -a storePage --replace --space space_key --title title_name  --parent @home --noConvert -f @temp"


  • The parameters used in the CLI action are 

    --jql  input the JQL query which you want to display the list on the confluence page.
    --columns specify the column names you want to display.
    --outputType specify the output format type. Valid values are: text, table, HTML, JSON, variables.
    --space enters the space key.


  • Refer to the below example where


  • a Confluence page is created with Jira issues based on the JQL


  • used.

    Code Block
    -a run -i "myjira -a getIssueList --jql project=TESTMKJMWE --columns 1,2,3,4 --outputType html -f @temp" -i "myconf -a storePage --replace --space SPAC --title SPAC  --parent @home --noConvert -f @temp"


  • Resultant Confluence page:


  • Image Added

    • It is recommended to test this scenario in a non-production environment, or run the action with the --simulate parameter, to verify the behavior before deploying in


    • a production environment.