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Currently, the Multiple workflows can be added to the space document management dashboard in a space in the cloud.


Only one workflow can be active in a space. The active workflow is applied to all the pages and blog posts in a space.

Three bundled workflows are included in each space document management dashboard.

cdmc_spacedocumentmanagementdashboard_bundledworkflows_all_inactive.pngImage Added

The three bundled workflows cannot be removed or overwritten. Each can be copied and the copy edited as a custom workflow.

Additional custom workflows can be added to the dashboard by the space administrator.

cdmc_spacedocumentmanagementdashboard_bundledworkflows_plus_copybaw_plusnew_customworkflow_all_inactive.pngImage Added

Making a workflow active in the dashboard disables an existing active workflow. Comala Document Management app cannot have more than one active space workflow defined.

There is no option to filter this the application of a space workflow application by the content label or by content type (blog post, page).


Only one workflow can be defined for a space in cloud and applied as a space workflow across all content in the space.


In cloud, a workflow can be created with different paths, to be applied at space level.

For example, if there are pages in your space that


An alternative approach to using multiple active workflows in a space is to create a workflow that provides different approval 'paths' depending on your requirements.

For example

  • some pages in your space do not require a workflow

to be applied
  • ,

you could
  • add a Not subject to workflow

state '
  • / No workflow needed

  • state to your workflow

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  • as shown below.

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An example workflow implementing this workaround is displayed below.

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The initial state Start is used to select

  • one of two different paths (Path 1 Draft or Path 2 Draft) in the workflow with a different documentation process

  • transition to a state (Not Subject to Workflow) that does not require any workflow process.


The alternative to applying a space workflow is to use a workflow applied on a page-by-page basis (page workflow).

Further information