Versions Compared


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Statistics and charts on exact/relative dates, last comment, additional formatting in Custom Values, new issue actions and more.

Rich Filters App on the Atlassian Marketplace

Version Highlights

  • New time range options for statistics and charts based on dates

  • New special column available in Views/Rich Filter Results – Last comment

  • Decimals and thousand separator formatting for numeric custom values

  • New issue actions available – Attach files and Attach a Screenshot

  • Rich Filter Date Bar Chart gadgets now support negative values

  • Better handling of negative values in gadgets that show proportions from the total

  • Other minor improvements and fixes

See below for more details.


The time range specifies the total time span for which the results will be computed. When configuring statistics or charts based on dates, users are now able to chose from several time range options:

  • Number of periods – the time range corresponds to the specified number of consecutive aggregation periods; in the previous versions of the app, this was the only available option

  • Between dates – the time range is identified by its Start and End dates; users may select exact dates using a calendar picker or can enter relative dates (e.g. "-5d", "4w 2d").

  • Predefined contextual options – This year, Last year, This quarter, Last quarter, This month, Last month. 

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New special column available in Views/Rich Filter Results – Last comment

Last The last comment is a new column available to be added in rich filter views. When displayed in Rich Filter Result gadgets, Last comment will show the last comment of each issue, the author and date of the comment as well as the author and date of the last update of the comment if applicable. 


For custom values based on numeric fields, users can now specify:

  • the number of decimals to be displayed

  • whether or not the thousand separator should be displayed

New issue actions available – Attach files and Attach a Screenshot

Two new issue actions are now available in Rich Filter Result gadgets: Attach files and Attach Screenshot.


Rich Filter Date Bar Chart gadgets can now also display negative values in the following configurations:

  • Split type is none

  • Split type is based on smart filters, and the Split layout is Clustered columns

Better handling of negative values in gadgets that show proportions from the total

This enhancement adds more flexibility to all gadgets that show proportions from total: Rich Filter Statistics, Rich Filter Pie Chart, Rich Filter Simple Gauge, Rich Filter Smart Gauge, Rich Filter Date Bar Chart.

In previous versions of the app, all these gadgets were treating negative values as zero. Starting with Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 1.20.0, any negative values are used without alteration when computing the results. If any computed proportion is negative though, then the gadgets display an error message. 

Other minor improvements and fixes

  • Improvement: the app should log warnings and errors in the browser console by default

  • Fixed: Rich Filter Statistics gadgets can crash in particular scenarios when the Team field is used as a statistic type

  • Fixed: Some custom fields are not sorted correctly in rich filter statistics

  • Fixed: The field Satisfaction is not displayed correctly in Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira exports

Supported Jira Versions

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 1.20 is supported on Jira versions starting with 8.6.0. See Atlassian Marketplace for the latest Jira version compatibility information


The app may can be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Find new add-ons page of your Jira instance.