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Table of Contents

Run-now Macro


Renders the body contents after substitution of parameters. Parameters can be provided by Pre-defined variables or request parameters. This is a simplified version of the run macro with no user interaction. Specifically setting autoRun=true, hideParameters=true, hideRun=true, hideExport=true. Any text in the macro body that begins with $ immediately followed by a key found in the replace parameter list of comma separated key:value:description triplets will be replaced by the value. The default value is specified in the key:value:description triplet.


This macro implements parameters like those available on the run Run macro. The most relevant ones are:

  • id - Optional. Can be specified as the default parameter. A way to specify a unique id to identify this instance of the run macro. By default, a numeric id is automatically assigned based on the order of the macro on the page. When using legacy wiki markup, you must assign a unique id if there are more than one run macros on the same page.
  • replace - A comma separated list of key:value:description triplets. Any triplet containing a comma (,) or colon (\:) must be enclosed in single quotes ('). Keys, values, and descriptions are case sensitive. More advanced capabilities are available and documented in the next section.
    • key is the parameter name. It must not be blank or contain blanks. Avoid special characters.
    • value is the initial replacement value. If not provided, blank will be used.
    • description is descriptive text used to provide prompt text for the parameter. If not provided, the key will be used.
  • dateFormat - Date format to use for replacement of $current_time. Default is server date format. See Date Format for how to specify this value.
  • requestPrefix - Default is run_id_ where id is the value of the id parameter. The prefix is appended with the parameter name to form the request parameter key on the url.
  • requestAction - Default is run_id where id is the value of the id parameter. This represents the request parameter key for the action to perform (run or export).
  • keepRequestParameters - Default is false. Set to true to keep existing request parameters on the url after button is pressed. Normally used for recursive use or when there are multiple run commands on the same page so that the results of one run macro are retained when the second is run. All requests parameters will be retained if keepRequestIds is not specified. Otherwise, non-run macro request parameters and those references by the keepRequestIds parameter will be retained.
  • keepRequestIds - List of run macro ids whose request parameters should be retained on the url after button is pressed. Use of this parameter or keepRequestParameters parameter is required for recursive use of this macro. This works only for default request prefix values.