Button handy |
blank | true |
color | #0052CC |
name | Send Feedback |
link | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmToBe3vynAlb5fdKwCGxYqnTbDc66sIBgeecG2BuFDuHc7g/viewform?entry.2002826954=system+-+15488215 |
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Table plus |
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Syntax | system(command) | Package | | Alias | | Pkg Usage | |
Table plus |
applyColStyleToCell | true |
columnTypes | s,s,s,s |
heading | 0 |
multiple | false |
enableSorting | false |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
command | String | Yes | Valid Operating System command. |
Return Type
String []
The routine function returns an array with 3 elements in such order:
Let's create a file using system routine function and windows command prompt:
Let's invoke a windows.bat script file using system routinefunction:
Code Block |
string testfolder="c: /tests /"; //assuming this path exists. //we assume in this path a file called `myexec.bat` has been previously created and contains one line `echo Hello;`
//now the following call will return `0.0|[THE_PATH_OF_EXECUTION]>echo Hello; Hello;|` return system ("C:/WINDOWS/system32/cmd.exe /c " + testfolder + "myexec.bat" ); |