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Dataplane supports reporting on (and charting of) calculated custom fields created with the ScriptRunner add-onapp from Adaptavist.

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ScriptRunner allows administrators to create customized and programmable Scripted Script Fields that can be used almost anywhere that a regular Jira field can be used, and which can perform arbitrary calculations on issue-related data using the Groovy language.

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Using ScriptRunner with Dataplane

Dataplane can use your existing Scripted Fields, or you can add new fields to be used in conjunction with Dataplane.

Dataplane supports scripted fields that contain numeric, date, and text data. Scripted Fields can be used in most reports in DataplaneImage Added

In Dataplane Reports, ScriptRunner Script Fields can be used in most reports, to report on numeric, date or text data.


Since Scripted ScriptRunner Script Field values are calculated on the fly and changes to a Scripted Script Field are not stored in the Jira issue changelog, Dataplane Reports can only report on the current values of Scripted Fields (and not the historical previously-calculated values) can be used in Dataplane.

To add a Scripted Field for use with Dataplane, follow the steps below. Existing scripted fields can also be used, so long as the Search Template is configured for the appropriate data type (as described below).

Creating a Scripted Field

To create a new Scripted

value of a Script Field; not any prior, historical value of the field.

Dataplane Reports can use existing ScriptRunner Script Fields, or you can add a new Script Field for Dataplane Reports use.

Creating a Script Field

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To create a new ScriptRunner Script Field:

  • Install the ScriptRunner add-on app.
  • Navigate to Toolgear » Issues » Custom Fields
  • Click Add Custom Field
  • Click on the Advanced tab on the left-hand side of the dialog
  • Find the Scripted Field field type and click Next
  • Give the new field a name and then click Create
  • If you do not want the scripted field to be visible to end users, do not associate the field with any screens. You may, however, want to associate the field with the Default or View screens for initial testing purposes, since you will not otherwise be able to see the rendered results of your field.
  • Scroll down the custom field list to find your newly-created field, click the toolgear icon on the right hand side, and select Edit
  • Configure the field's Search Template option based on the type of data you wish to store in the fieldJira Administration (gear icon) → ScriptRunner. Select Fields from the left sidebar, or from the tab options.
  • Click the Create Script Field button.
  • Select from the available Script Field templates, or choose Custom Script Field to create your own.
  • Write your script and select the appropriate Template to define the type of returned value.
  • Save the new Script Field.

Using a Script Field in Dataplane Reports

The following are important configuration considerations and usage tips in order for Dataplane Reports to successfully report on ScriptRunner Script Fields.

Configuring the Search Template

Whether using a new or existing Script Field with Dataplane Reports, you must verify that its Search Template is configured for the appropriate data type.


The Script Field's Search Template determines the field's data type as seen by Dataplane Reports, and influences the reports in which the field is available.


If you do not configure the field's Search Template, the Script Field will not report any data when used in Dataplane Reports. 

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To configure the Script Field's Search Template:

  • Navigate to Jira Administration (gear icon) → Issues → Custom Fields.
  • Search for your Script Field.
  • Click on the Actions menu ("...") for the field, and select Edit details or Edit
  • Set the field's Search Template to match the type of data returned by the script:

    To use the field in Dataplane for Search Template:
    Numeric data"Number Search" or "Number Range Searcher"
    Date"Date Time Range Picker"
    Text"Free Text Searcher"

  • Finally, click Click Update to save the any changes to the field. 

The scripted custom field's Search Template option controls the data type of the field as seen by Dataplane, and it influences the reports in which the custom field is available.

If you do not configure the Search Template option, the new custom field will not report any data when used in Dataplane reports.

Writing a Script for the Scripted Field

To define the functionality of the newly added Scripted Field:

  • Navigate to Toolgear » Add-ons and select Script Fields on the left-hand navigation menu
  • Scroll down to find your field, click the edit link, and write the script for your field
NoteYou must reindex Jira if you have either newly added or modified a custom field script

Making the Field Available to Reports


1) After creating a new Script Field or editing an existing field's script, you must reindex Jira. This is required to make the updated field's values visible to Jira and Dataplane.You must also navigate to Dataplane Reports » Administration and . If your Jira version supports it, you can avoid downtime by reindexing only individual Jira projects (if the field is only used in those projects), or by performing a background reindex of Jira.

The following tips are helpful for script testing, and for speeding up a Jira reindex:

For testing your script, before

2) After creating a new Script Field or editing an existing field's Search Template, you must also go to the Dataplane Reports → Administration → Configuration page and click the "Sync Index" button to refresh the Dataplane Report's list of custom fields available in Dataplane reports. Performing this synchronization is required only after adding an entirely new field (or changing the Search Template of an existing field). If you have simply updated the script for a field, reindexing Jira itself is sufficient – no additional Dataplane operations need be performed.


Jira fields and their data types. This step is not required if only editing a Script Field's script.


Before doing a full reindex of Jira, you can


test a newly-added Script Field by performing an edit and save

on a single Jira issue

, or


a workflow transition, on a single

issue, and ScriptRunner will

Jira issue. This forces ScriptRunner to recalculate and update the stored field value

of the scripted field

for that Jira issue


. You can then see the script results

in the Issue Navigator columns list (by adding the Scripted Field column) or when viewing the issue (if you added the custom field to the appropriate screen)
  • If your version of Jira supports it, you can perform a background reindex so that no downtime is required.
  • Performing a reindex of only a single project is also possible

    by viewing the Jira issue (if the Script Field is associated with the current issue screen), or by performing a Jira Issue Navigator search that includes the issue (with the field selected as a search results column).

    Configuring Associated Screens


    If you do not want the Script Field to be visible to end users outside of Dataplane Reports, do not associate the field with any Jira issue screens.

    However for initial script testing, it can be useful to temporarily associate the field with the Default or View issue screen in order to see and evaluate script results.

    Script Examples

    This section provides examples of a few scripts that access issue data.

    The ScriptRunner documentation on Scripted Script Fields provides many more examples of how to use scripted fields. Most Groovy language concepts can be used within scripted fields, including the ability to access other custom field values, perform arithmetic, and call arbitrary Java or Groovy APIs.



    Script Field


    The following is an example of a very simple script that obtains the value of an existing custom field named "Product Price", multiplies the value by 50%, and returns the result.

    The field for this script must be configured with a Search Template of "Number Search" or "Numeric Range Searcher", as described above, in order to be usable in numeric reports.

    Code Block
    def price = getCustomFieldValue("Product Price")
    if (price) {
        return price * 0.5;
    else {
        return null



    Script Field

    The following is a simple script that subtracts one week from the value of an existing Date custom field called "Payment Date".

    The field for this script must be configured with a Search Template of "Date Time Range Picker", as described above, in order to be selectable as a Date Basis in reports that support dates.

    Code Block
    def paymentDate = getCustomFieldValue("Payment Date") 
    if (paymentDate) { 
    	def cal = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();
    	cal.add(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -7);
    	return new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()); 
    else { 
    	return null 



    Script Field

    In this example we take the current value of an existing, select list field named "Team" and map that value to a geographic location. 

    The field for this script should be configured with a Search Template of "Free Text Searcher".

    Code Block
    final Map<String,String> LOCATION_MAP = new HashMap<String,String>() {{
        put("Team A",    "San Francisco")
        put("Team B",    "San Francisco")
        put("Team C",    "Montreal")
        put("Team D",    "Montreal")
        put("Team E",    "Montreal")
    def cfValue = getCustomFieldValue("Team")
    if (cfValue != null) {
        def location = LOCATION_MAP.get(cfValue.toString())
    	if (location != null) {
            return location
    return ""   // no match found

    In the following example we use the same remapping concept to group an issue's possible statuses into a smaller set of values.

    This is a common solution for presenting reports to management using a less granular view of the engineering workflow.

    Code Block
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.status
    final Map<String,String> STATUS_MAP = new HashMap<String,String>() {{
        put("Open",    					"New")
        put("In Triage",    			"New")
        put("Assigned",    				"In Engineering")
        put("Work in Progress",    		"In Engineering")
        put("In QA",    				"In Engineering")
        put("Waiting for Customer",    	"Waiting")
        put("Waiting for Approval",    	"Waiting")
        put("QA Approved",    			"Ready")
        put("Ready for Deployment",    	"Ready")
        put("Closed",    				"Done")
        put("Reopened",    				"In Engineering")
    def origStatus = issue.getStatus().getSimpleStatus().getName()
    def newStatus = STATUS_MAP.get(origStatus)
    return (newStatus != null) ? newStatus : origStatus

    First Level of a Cascading Select List Field

    Dataplane directly supports reporting on Jira Cascading Select List custom fields, and will aggregate report results based on each unique combination of first and second level selections as in "US : San Francisco", "US : New York", "Canada : Toronto" and "Canada : Montreal".

    Sometimes it can be useful though to aggregate report results based only on the first level selection in the Cascading Select List field, as in "US" and "Canada" in the above examples.  To do this, set up a new ScriptRunner custom field Script Field configured with a Search Template of "Free Text Searcher".  

    Use the following script to return just the first level selection in the Cascading Select List field:

    Code Block
    import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.CustomFieldManager
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.option.Option
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.CustomField
    // don't change any of these
    def SELECT_LEVEL_1 = null	
    def SELECT_LEVEL_2 = "1"	
    def EMPTY_STRING = ""
    // modify these
    def CASCADING_SELECT_FIELD_NAME = "My Field"	// name of your cascading select field
    def SELECT_LEVEL = SELECT_LEVEL_1				// grab either the 1st or 2nd level only
    CustomFieldManager customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager()
    CustomField cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName(CASCADING_SELECT_FIELD_NAME)
    HashMap<String, Option> value = (HashMap<String, Option>)issue.getCustomFieldValue(cf)
    return (value != null) ? value.get(SELECT_LEVEL) : EMPTY_STRING


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