Versions Compared


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In this section:

  1. About Views

  2. Views' Key Attributes

  3. Adding & Editing Views

1. About Views

Views allow you to customize the the columns that are displayed by Rich Filter Results gadgets. Each view is a list of columns which can be based on Jira fields, Smart Filters (computed columns we call “smart columns”), or Custom Values. The Rich Filter Results gadgets can display multiple views of the issue collection returned by the rich filter. 

Views enable the Rich Filter Results gadgets to potentially display lots of information in a clean and compact manner:

  • You can prepare different views for different purposes, depending on what you

    need to

    must display in each context. 

  • The gadget loads all the views at once,


    so the users can switch instantly between them using tabs


    at the top of the gadget. 

  • The computed columns based on Smart Filters (“smart columns”) allow you to display computed values (labels) and/or to add color highlighting.  

  • The views can also show totals for columns based on numeric


    and time tracking fields or custom values

    – a

    . A bottom row is displayed, and values can be aggregated using one of four possible formulas: sum, average, minimum, and maximum value. 


 2. Views' Key Attributes

You can add new views and see existing views and their configuration in the Views section of your rich filter.Image Removed


The key attributes of a view are:




Each view has a name

which is

used to identify and display

the view



The name is mandatory and must be unique among the other views within the rich filter.

Show totals row

If this flag is enabled, the view will have an extra row at the bottom, showing totals for numeric & time-tracking fields and custom value columns. The total formula (sum, average, min, max) can be configured for each column individually.

If the flag is enabled for a view, a TOTALS lozenge is displayed next to the view's name.


Each view contains a list of columns that are displayed when the view is used in Rich Filter Results gadgets. The columns can be:



Adding & Editing Views

The Views section of your rich filter allows you to do to the following operations:

To do the following:

Do this:

Add a new View

Click on the Add view button at the top-right corner of the page.  

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Insert a view name and


click the checkbox Show totals row

 if you wish

to display totals for numeric


and time tracking fields or


custom values. Click


the Add view button.

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Add columns to a View.

Click on the Pick a column... button. A drop-down menu

is displayed

with all the possible options (Issue FieldsSmart Filters, or Custom Values) will appear. Either scroll down or use the search to find the field you want.

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The views with no columns are not displayed by Rich Filter Results gadgets.

Edit the columns of a View

Click on the Edit icon at the right of the column.

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Depending on the column's type, different editing options are available:

  • Customizing the Column Heading – for any column, you can customize

  • a column name to be displayed in the Rich Filter Results gadgets.

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  • Customizing the tag display

– for Smart Columns you
  • —You can also customize the way the tags are displayed for smart columns. (This also depends on the configuration of the smart filter. For instance, a smart filter

  • with only the

  • color tag type cannot display labels.)
    If the smart filter tags are shown as labels, you can also use the Equal label sizes checkbox, which forces all tags to have the same width. This can make a smart column look nicer

, depending on your smart filter
  • .

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  • Customizing the Total formula – for numeric & time tracking fields, if the view is configured to show the totals row, you can select the formula to be used when computing totals. The options available are

  • Sum total, Average value, Minimum value, Maximum value, and None if you don't wish to display any total for the field. 

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Delete columns from a View

Click on the Delete icon at the right of the column.

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Reorder columns in a View

Hover over the

vertical “grid” icon of the column

column's vertical “grid” icon, then drag and drop up or down to the new position.

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The order configured here is the column display order in Rich Filter Results gadgets.

Edit a View

Click on the


Edit icon at the right of the view’s name.

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A pop-up appears, as shown below. You can edit the name of the view and check/un-check the Show totals row checkbox. Click on the Save view button.

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Delete a View

Click on the


Delete icon at the right of the view’s name.

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Reorder Views

Click on the


Menu at the right of the view’s name. Use the Move... options to re-position your view.

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By default, this is the display order of the views in Rich Filter gadgets.

Copy (duplicate) a View

Click on the menu at the right of the view’s name, then click


the Copy option.

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Insert the name of the new view, check/un-check the Show totals row checkbox, and click the Copy


view button. A new view with the same columns is created.

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Have a look at Check the The Rich Filter Results Gadget documentation page to see learn more about how to display views in dashboards.
