User-defined routines (UDR) are functions that perform specific actions that you can define in your SIL™ programs for a later use. These can considerably improve the readability and maintainability of your code.
Syntax Info |
This page explains how to create and use user-defined functions (UDFs) in Simple Issue Language (SIL) programs to organize code into reusable components. |
This example function calculates issue priority based on severity and environment. It uses conditional logic to demonstrate parameter passing.
zero(){ calculatePriority(string severity, string environment) {
if (severity == "Critical" && environment == "Production") {
return "Highest";
} else if (severity == "Critical" && environment == "Development") {
return "High";
} else if (severity == "Major" && environment == "Production") {
return "High";
} else {
return |
number a"Medium";
// Usage examples:
string newPriority = |
zero(); Warning |
Definition of UDRs must be done before the code, even though it is not used anywhere up to that point. Therefore, the following code is invalid. |
Code Block |
number i;calculatePriority("Critical", "Production"); // Returns "Highest" |
The function calculatePriority("Critical", "Production")
receives "Critical"
and "Production"
as inputs and checks the first condition against an actual Jira issue. If the condition is met, it changes the priority of the Jira issue to Highest. If the condition is not met, the function continues by checking the next condition and so on.
This function can be reused throughout your SIL program whenever you need to calculate priority based on severity and environment. For example, when issues are created, when severity or environment fields are updated, as part of validation rules, or in bulk update operations.
Functions definition
SIL has strict rules about where function definitions can appear in your code.
The correct order must be:
Global variable declarations (with initialization if needed), including here any constant declarations
Function definitions
Executable code
This rule helps ensure that all functions are available when needed and prevents potential issues with code organization and variable scoping.
Invalid definition example
Code Block |
// This is INVALID:
number i; // Variable declaration
const number pi = 3.14; // Constant declaration
i = 0; |
//this is the error line, i is initialized to a constant and // Error line, this is code execution |
function circleArea(number r) {
return r * r * pi;
} |
Warning |
However, you are allowed to declare global variables and constants before function definitions: |
Code Block |
The error occurs because you can't have executable code (like i = 0;
where i
is initialized to a constant) before function definitions.
Valid definition example
Code Block |
// This is VALID:
number i = 0; // |
global var Global variable declaration with initialization |
, ok
const number pi = 3.14; // Constant declaration
// |
constant, ok
Functions must be defined after declarations but before executable code
function circleArea(number r) {
return (i + r) * (i + r) * pi;
// Executable code comes after all function definitions
number r = 10;
runnerLog("Area of radius " + r + " is " + circleArea(r)); //returns Area of radius 10 is 314
runnerLog("Area of radius " + (r + i) + " is " + circleArea(r)); // returns Area of radius 11 is 379.94 |
Running the above code in
the Power Scripts for JIRA (formerly known as JJUPIN) Runner gadget:
Image Removed
The list of parameters in the definition of a UDR can be of any length (including 0) and their respective types can be any valid SIL™ type.
Code Block |
SIL Manager returns the following (in the Editor console):
Image Added
Parameters definition
Here’s what you need to know about parameters definition in a function:
Parameters can be of any valid SIL type (string, number, boolean, etc.)
Parameters are passed by value; changes inside the function don't affect the original variables.
The parameter list can be of any length; it can be empty.
This example illustrates how different parameter types are defined and used in a function.
Code Block |
// Function with no parameters
function zero() {
return 0;
// Function showing different parameter types
function |
doSomethings,name, // Single string parameter
number |
n1, number age, // Single number parameter
number[] |
n2,scores, // Array of numbers
boolean |
flag, string [] oneMore){
}UDRs use a "pass-by-value" policy. This means that even though you modify the value of a parameter in your function, on exit the value will be lost.
Excerpt |
Code Block |
function increment(number a){
a = a + 1; // the value of a is only modified locallyisActive, // Boolean parameter
string[] comments // Array of strings
) {
// Using the parameters
runnerLog("Processing data for: " + name);
runnerLog("Age: " + age);
runnerLog("First score: " + scores[0]);
runnerLog("Status: " + isActive);
runnerLog("First comment: " + comments[0]);
// Example usage:
string studentName = "John";
number studentAge = 20;
number[] testScores = {95, 87, 92};
boolean active = true;
string[] feedback = {"Good work", "Needs improvement"};
processData(studentName, studentAge, testScores, active, feedback); |
Running the example usage code in the SIL Manager returns the following result:
Cfm background |
widthSwitch | auto |
heightSwitch | wrap text |
backgroundColor | #F1F2F4 |
imagePosition | Center |
textColorPalette | Default |
textColor | #091E42 |
imageOpacity | 1 |
minHeight | 1 |
an.spaceKey | PSJ |
borderRadius | 0.03 |
width | 1 |
sideSpacing | 24 |
imageSize | cover |
id | phlweaey13 |
opacity | 1 |
alignment | start |
backgroundColorPalette | Default |
Processing data for: John Age: 20 First score: 95 Status: true First comment: Good work DONE! |
Pass-by-value behavior
Parameters in UDFs are passed by value in the following way:
A copy of the value is passed to the function.
Changes to the parameter inside the function don't affect the original variable.
The original variable keeps its value after the function exits.
Pass-by-value behavior is the same for all SIL basic types, arrays, and structs.
This example demonstrates pass-by-value behavior for a UDF that takes a number parameter and adds 10 to it.
Code Block |
function updateScore(number score) {
// Because of pass-by-value, 'score' is a local copy
score = score + 10; // Any changes to score parameter won't affect the original value
runnerLog("Inside function, score is: " + score);
return |
// Test the function
number |
number c = increment(b75; //testScore variable created and set to 75
runnerLog("Before function call: " + testScore); // |
the value of b does not change
print(b);shows 75
number newScore = updateScore(testScore);
runnerLog("After function call:");
runnerLog("Original score: " + testScore); // Still |
thisprints0print(c);runnerLog("New score: " + newScore); // 85 |
thisprints 1
If run in the SIL Manager, the function returns the following result:
Cfm background |
widthSwitch | auto |
heightSwitch | wrap text |
backgroundColor | #F1F2F4 |
imagePosition | Center |
textColorPalette | Default |
textColor | #091E42 |
imageOpacity | 1 |
minHeight | 1 |
an.spaceKey | PSJ |
borderRadius | 0.03 |
width | 1 |
sideSpacing | 24 |
imageSize | cover |
id | phlweaey13 |
opacity | 1 |
alignment | start |
backgroundColorPalette | Default |
Before function call: 75 Inside function, score is: 85 After function call: Original score: 75 New score: 85 DONE! |
Example description:
First, the function gets a copy of the testScore = 75
value to work with.
Inside the function, it adds 10 to that copy, making it 85. The function prints this value: "Inside function, score is: 85"
After the function exits, both the original score (75) and the modified score (85) are printed.
Constant Parameters
Parameters of
user-defined routines UDFs can be made read-only
in the scope of the routine by adding the keyword "const" before the parameter definition in the signature of the using the const
keyword within the function.
Code Block |
function f(const string s) {
} |
Default Parameters
may can have defaults. This feature was introduced in
5 Default parameters should not be followed by another param without a default value.
Code Block |
function f(int i, string arg = "this is default") {
return "[" + i + "]" + arg;
//function f(int i = 1001, string arg) - incorrect, because 'arg' does not have a default
//function f(int i = 1001, string arg = "default") - correct, we can call it now by f() and receive the default params.
return f(0, "first string") + " >>>" + f(1); //f(1) will provide argument 'arg' the default value |
Variable Visibility
There are three categories of variables that can be used in a UDR:
Local variables
These are the variables you define in the body of the UDR. These can be used throughout the body of the UDR. On exit, the values of these variables are lost.
Code Block |
function example()Note: Parameters with default values must appear after parameters without defaults.
The default value is used only when you don't provide a value for that parameter when calling the function. When you provide a value, it overrides the default.
Code Block |
// Function with a default parameter - 'name' will use "Guest" if no value is provided
function greet(string name = "Guest") {
runnerLog("Hello, " + name);
// You can call this function two ways:
// 1. Without providing a parameter - will use the default "Guest"
greet(); // Outputs: "Hello, Guest"
// 2. Providing a value - will use your provided value instead of default
greet("John"); // Outputs: "Hello, John" |
Variable visibility in UDFs
When writing UDFs, you can work with three different categories of variables:
Local variables that you create inside the function
Parameter variables that you pass into the function
Global variables that are available throughout your program
Understanding how and when you can use each category of variable helps you write more effective and maintainable code.
Variable category | Definition | Example |
Local | These are variables you create inside your UDF. They: Only exist inside that specific UDF Are created when the UDF starts running Can only be used within that UDF Are removed when the UDF finishes running
| Code Block |
function calculateTotal() {
number |
a3;100; // Local variable
number |
0.1; // Another local variable
return price + tax;
} // price and |
useherevariablesaandb} Variables the values passed to the UDR variables that get passed into your UDF in the list of parameters. |
Because SIL™ uses a Important characteristics: |
, even though you modify the value of these variables in the body of the function, on exit, their original values will be restored.incrementaaa1thevalueofaisonlymodified locallyab0cincrementb // the value of b does not changebthisprints0cthisprints 1These are the variables that are already defined and can be used |
right away (issue fields, customfields and any variables defined before the routine). You can use issue fields and custom fields anywhere in your code immediately (including in the |
UDR without having ; they are accessible throughout the entire program and you don’t have to declare them. These include: Variables defined outside any UDF Standard issue fields (e.g., key , summary , description ) Custom fields
| Code Block |
number totalItems = 0; // Global variable
function |
printKeyupdateInventory() {
totalItems = totalItems + 1; // Uses global variable
print("Issue: " + key); // Uses standard issue field
} |
Notice that the The key variable is a standard issue field that you could |
otherwise SIL™ SIL program without having to declare it. |
Best practices for using variables in UDFs
Keep in mind that local variables have the most limited access (just within the {
and }
of your UDF, while global variables have widest access.
Minimize the use of global variables to reduce code complexity.
Use meaningful parameter names to improve code readability.
Document any global variables used within UDFs.
Consider passing needed values as parameters rather than relying on their global state.
ValueReturn values can be used to communicate with the context that called the UDR or to halt its execution.
When a UDF finishes running, it can send a value back to where it was called from. You can also use return
to stop the UDR from running further. This way, return values serve two purposes:
They provide a way to send results back to the code that called the UDF (like returning a calculation result.)
They allow you to exit the UDF at any point (for example, stop early if an error is found.)
This example returns a boolean result:
Code Block |
function isEven(number |
aavalue % 2 == 0); // Returns true or false
} |
This example returns a calculated value:
Code Block |
function increment(number |
aavalue + 1; // Returns the input plus 1
number |
bNotice that Important notes about returns
Return types are dynamic.
of the return value; this will be evaluated at runtime. Therefore, even though the check on the following program will be ok, at runtime the value of d will NOT be modified because of the incompatibility between date (on the right-hand-side) and number (on the left-hand-sidein the UDF definition.
You cannot return two different types. This represents an error
Be careful with type compatibility when using the returned value. In the example below, the value of myDate
will not be modified because there is an incompatibility between number
(right-hand side, returned from the function) and date
(left-hand side, the variable type).
Code Block |
function increment(number |
aavalue + 1; // Returns a number
date |
d Note |
There can be only one return value (at most). If you would like to return more values of the same typeNote: To return multiple values, consider using an array for multiple values of the same type or a
structstructure for multiple values of different types.
return simply from a routine without specifying However, you should always remember that by design routines it following code is therefore validExamples
These are examples of empty returns behavior:
f(number a) {
if(aprocessStatus(number value) {
// Case 1: value < 0
if(value < 0) {
print("Invalid: negative value");
return; // Exits here for negative numbers
// Case 2: value > 100
if(value > 100) {
print("Invalid: exceeds maximum");
return; // Exits here for numbers over 100
// Case 3: value between 1-100
if(value > 0) {
print(" |
positive"Processing: " + value);
return; // Exits here for positive numbers up to 100
// Case 4: value equals 0
if( |
aZEROStatus: inactive");
// No explicit return - function still exits after this
// |
string s =f(4); //s is still undefined, no value was returned
if(isNull(s)) {
print("S IS NULL!"); //this will be printed
} else {
print("S IS NOT NULL!");
Of course, the above code will print the text 'S IS NULL' in the log.
Table of Contents |
maxLevel | 3 Let's see what happens in each case:
string result1 = processStatus(150);
// Prints: "Invalid: exceeds maximum"
// result1 is undefined because of empty return
string result2 = processStatus(-5);
// Prints: "Invalid: negative value"
// result2 is undefined because of empty return
string result3 = processStatus(50);
// Prints: "Processing: 50"
// result3 is undefined because of empty return
string result4 = processStatus(0);
// Prints: "Status: inactive"
// result4 is undefined because function ends without return
// All results are undefined, so all these will print:
print("Result 1 is null"); // Prints for value 150
print("Result 2 is null"); // Prints for value -5
print("Result 3 is null"); // Prints for value 50
print("Result 4 is null"); // Prints for value 0 |
Best practices for return values
Always consider what value your UDF should return.
Be consistent with return types within a single UDF.
Check for null/undefined values when using returned values.
Use meaningful return values that help explain the UDF's outcome.