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The Smart Filters are the last type of filter you can define in Rich Filters. By the end of this tutorial, you 'll be able to can add drop-down buttons down buttons that allow you to filter by criteria you have defined. You'll also be able to display in the Rich Filter Results gadget (colored) computed columns (we call these smart columns) based on the same criteria.


How to add smart filters and smart columns


For this tutorial, you need to must have already have created a Rich Filter and a dashboard with a Controller and Rich Filter Results gadget (with a couple of views) based on the Rich Filter. We have used the the Rich Filter and dashboard from the previous tutorial.

  1. Open the configuration page of your rich filter.

  2. Once you are on the rich filter configuration page, click on the Smart Filters link on the left of your screen.

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  3. Add a new smart filter.


  1. Name it


  1. Warnings and check only Labels tag types (more about this in a second).


  1. Image AddedImage Added
  2. Add the three clauses below:

    1. Label: High PriorityJQL: priority in (1,2) and status = Open

    2. Label: Past Due DateJQL: duedate < now() and status != Closed

    3. Label: No Due DateJQL: duedate = empty and status not in (Resolved, Closed)

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  3. Open/refresh the dashboard you already have


  1. , which is based on your rich filter. You'll notice


  1. a new drop-down filter


  1. in the Controller containing the three options you have configured. Clicking any option will trigger the other gadgets based on the same rich filter in the dashboard to apply the JQL you have configured for each option.

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  2. Go back to the Smart Filters section of your rich filter configuration page. Edit the Warnings smart filter.

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  3. Add the


  1. Color tag type.

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  2. For each clause of the Warnings smart filter add a color like in the picture below.

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  3. Go


  1. to the Views section of the rich filter.


  1. Image Added
  2. In the Requester view, you'll notice that it is now possible to use the smart filter as a computed column (we call this a Smart Column). Add the Warnings smart column to your view.

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  3. Once added, edit the Warning smart column. 

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  4. Make sure you


  1. select Show tags as - Colored Labels and Column Heading - Smart Filter Name.

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  2. Open/refresh the dashboard you already have


  1. , which is based on your rich filter. You'll notice that the Requester view of the Rich Filter Results gadget now displays a new column called Warnings, just


  1. as you have configured it.

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  2. Go back to the Smart Filters section of your rich filter configuration page. Create a new smart filter called Risk


  1. which has only the tag type Colors.

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  2. Add the JQLpriority in (1,2) and assignee is EMPTY

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    Make sure you click on the Add button. 

  3. Go to the Views section of your rich filter. In the Delivery view, add the smart column Risk that you have just created.

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  4. Drag & drop the Risk smart column after the Priority column. 

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  5. Edit the Risk


  1. Smart column

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  1. Please make sure you


  1. select Column


  1. Heading—None (we want this column to be as compact as possible). 

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  2. Open/refresh the dashboard you already have


  1. which is based on your Rich Filter. You'll notice that in the Delivery view of the Rich Filter Results gadget, next to the Priority field, unassigned issues with Priority 1 or 2 are highlighted.  

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Smart filters are a very powerful mechanism that allow allows you to create complex filtering groups, to add computed columns to your views, and highlight issues using color coding.

Learn More

To follow through with the tutorial, continue to See also

Add Rich Filter Statistics gadgets to your interactive Jira Dashboard.

In order to know everything about smart filters, have a look at Configuring Smart Filters.