Table plus |
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enableHeadingAttributes | false |
columnAttributes | style="border:0;width=5%;",style="border:0;width=65%;",style="border:0;width=30%;max-width=30% !important;" |
id | steps_table |
enableSorting | false |
enableHighlighting | false |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 2-3 min
In this step, you will be defining variables for the Run CLI Actions in JIRA add-on so that it knows how to connect to your HipChat instance. I Turn this into a regular expression (aka Regex expression) that searches for any occurrence of the named words, by separating each word with a pipe ('|') character and then adding .*/\b(?: before it and )\b.* after it. | Anchor |
step1 | step1 | Example expression: No Format |
.*\b(?:acquire|acquisition||acquisitions|merger|mergers|aquire|aquisition|aquisitions)\b.* |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Create HipChat CLI command Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 2 min
Use the command shown on the right to invoke the HipChat CLI to scan the chat history of public HipChat rooms to find any references to your list of words and write the results to a file. hipchat indicates to invoke the HipChat CLI client.The runFromRoomList action indicates to retrieve a list of public HipChat rooms and then, for each room, run the action indicated by the --common parameter. (Note that the value of the --common parameter extends up to the final double quote (") character.)- The
getRoomHistoryList action that is executed for each room returned by the runFromRoomList action includes these parameters:--room indicates to access the current HipChat room--file indicates to save the references to the words you're monitoring into a file named chatreferences.csv. This file will be saved to the same folder to which you installed the HipChat CLI client. If this is not what you want, you can specify a full path to the file, enclosing it within double quotes:
No Format |
--file "../yourfolder/chatreferences.csv" |
--append indicates to append the output to the chatreferences.csv file if it already exists. This is important since the references may be written from multiple HipChat rooms.
--regex provides the Regex expression you prepared earlier. Note that this expression is inserted between \" and \" since it must be quoted but appears within the entire --common parameter which is also quoted.
| Anchor |
step2 | step2 | Example command: Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
linenumbers | true |
hipchat --action runFromRoomList --common "--action getRoomHistoryList --room \"@room@\" --file chatreferences.csv --append --regex \".*\b(?:acquire|acquisition|acquisitions|merger|mergers|aquire|aquisition|aquisitions)\b.*\" " |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Execute HipChat CLI command Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 1 min
In your command window, type the command from the previous step and press Enter. The command will run, showing the result of executing the GetRunHistoryList action against each public HipChat room (3 rooms in our example). Per the HipChat CLI instructions, your hipchat.bat or .sh file contains a --token parameter which supplies the API Access token of a HipChat user. Be sure to use the token of a user who has access to all of the public rooms you wish to monitor.
| Anchor |
step3 | step3 | Example output: Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
linenumbers | true |
Run: --action getRoomHistoryList --room "ExampleGear Engineering" --file chatreferences.csv --append --regex ".*\b(?:acquire|acquisition|acquisitions|merger|mergers|aquire|aquisition|aquisitions)\b.*"
2 history entries in list appended to file: chatreferences.csv
Run: --action getRoomHistoryList --room "ExampleGear HR" --file chatreferences.csv --append --regex ".*\b(?:acquire|acquisition|acquisitions|merger|mergers|aquire|aquisition|aquisitions)\b.*"
1 history entries in list appended to file: chatreferences.csv
Run: --action getRoomHistoryList --room "ExampleGear Marketing" --file chatreferences.csv --append --regex ".*\b(?:acquire|acquisition|acquisitions|merger|mergers|aquire|aquisition|aquisitions)\b.*"
0 history entries in list
Run completed successfully. 3 actions were successful |
Example CSV file:
Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
title | chatreferences.csv file |
linenumbers | true |
"Room","Message Id","Date","Type","Message Format","Message Color","Message","From Id","From Name","From Mention Name","Link Name","Link URL","Link Type"
"ExampleGear Engineering","d75f884d-f5b0-4aa4-ba2c-d273d9da682b","2015-03-25T10:54:04.082-0400","message","","","That'll look great to Acme's auditors as they try to decide whether to follow-thru on the acquisition!","1928057","Hank Johnson","hjohnson","","",""
"ExampleGear Engineering","218e7533-b2b5-40da-91f4-6ff1f9534940","2015-03-25T12:29:59.647-0400","message","","","Whoops, @hjohnson! Everything is hush hush about that subject. There can be absolutely no talk about mergers or acquisitions in public rooms.","1915328","Jasmine Stone","JasmineStone","","",""
"ExampleGear HR","ed202752-f46f-40a9-85a8-ea6c09accda0","2015-03-25T10:42:10.755-0400","message","","","When the acquisition goes through, will HR provide training and guidance to managers on how to communicate the details to their staff?","1915328","Jasmine Stone","JasmineStone","","","" |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Create Confluence page Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 2 min
Create a Confluence page that will display the chatreferences.csv file in a table so others can easily review what your language monitoring revealed. The page consists of 2 items: - An introductory paragraph that describes the purpose of the page or anything else the viewer ought to know.
- The CSV macro, which is part of the Advanced Tables for Confluence add-on, configured with the parameters shown on the right.
Save the page, and take note of the space key and the page title. The space key appears in the URL of the page after you've saved, immediately after "display/". For instance, in the URL http://wiki.examplegear.com/display/EGM/HipChat+Monitoring , the space key is EGM . | Anchor |
step4 | step4 | CSV Macro parameters:Output format | html |
Location of CSV data | ^chatreferences.csv |
Auto number each row | selected |
Show sort icon | selected |
Auto sort column | Date |
Column types | S,S,M,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S |
Edit view of the page:
Image Removed
| | |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Create Confluence CLI command Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 1 min
Use the command shown on the right to attach the chatreferences.csv to the Confluence page you just created, confluence indicates to invoke the Confluence CLI client.The addAttachment action indicates to attach a file to a Confluence page.- The
--title parameter provides the Confluence page's title. - The
--file parameter provides the name of the file to be attached. (This will generally match what you used on the previous HipChat CLI command.)
| Anchor |
step5 | step5 | Example command: Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
linenumbers | true |
confluence --action addAttachment --space "EGM" --title "HipChat Monitoring" --file chatreferences.csv |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Execute Confluence CLI command Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 1 min
In your command window, type the command from the previous step and press Enter. The command will run, showing the result of executing the addAttachment action. Per the Confluence CLI instructions, your confluence.bat or .sh file contains credentials for a Confluence user. Be sure to use credentials of a user who has read/write access to your Confluence page.
| Anchor |
step6 | step6 | Example output: Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
linenumbers | true |
Attachment 'chatreferences.csv' of type 'text/csv' added to page 'HipChat Monitoring' in space 'EGM', id: 557107, url: http://wiki.examplegear.com/download/attachments/557100/chatreferences.csv?version=2&modificationDate=1427900084733&api=v2 |
How to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Review Confluence page Div |
| Image Removed Estimated Time: 1 min
In Confluence, navigate to the page you created to verify the chatreferences.csv file is now attached to the page and it reflects the contents of that file.l If this page was already open in your browser, you may need to refresh the page. | Anchor |
step7 | step7 |
Image RemovedHow to Create a HipChat Room to Communicate About a Blocker Ticket | Create a reusable CLI script
Div |
Status |
title | Optional |
Image Removed Estimated Time: 2 minIf you'd like to save your CLI commands for later reuse, you can save them as a CLI script file.
Using an editor capable of producing a plain text file, such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac), create a script file named:
- For Windows:
- For OS X/Linux:
Save it in the same folder to which you installed the HipChat and Confluence CLI clients and make sure it has permissions so that you can read, write and execute it.
Follow these steps in your command window to execute the script file you just created:
- Navigate to the folder to which you installed the HipChat and Confluence CLI clients.
Type the name of the script file as shown on the right and press Enter.
The script will run, showing the result of executing each action.
Anchor |
step8 | step8 | Contents of example CLI script file: Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
linenumbers | true |
hipchat --action runFromRoomList --common "--action getRoomHistoryList --room \"@room@\" --file chatreferences.csv --append --regex \".*\b(?:acquire|acquisition|acquisitions|merger|mergers|aquire|aquisition|aquisitions)\b.*\" "
confluence --action addAttachment --space "EGM" --title "HipChat Monitoring" --file chatreferences.csv |
Command to execute reusable script file:
Code Block |
language | text |
theme | DJango |
linenumbers | true |
monitorRooms Div |
On this page Table of Contents |
maxLevel | 1 |
exclude | On this page |
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