This step
overrides any existing data on the Connector for Salesforce & Jira (Cloud). Ensure you have made the necessary backups if you have any important data on the cloud instance.
You have completed Step 2 - Prepare your Jira Server migration data (CFSJ) .
You have administrator access to your Jira Cloud site.
You have administrator access to Salesforce.
You have the Connector for Salesforce & Jira (Cloud) installed.
You have an active evaluation or active paid license for Connector for Salesforce & Jira (Cloud).
Log in to your Jira Cloud instance.
Click on Settings on Settings > Manage apps and under User-installed apps, click on Salesforce & Jira Cloud Connector.
Click on Migration Hub (BETA) in the left menu.
As soon as JCMA concludes the migration process on Server, the Jira project data is ready for import into Cloud from the JCMA data warehouse. For large instances, the migration may take some time to complete, and the project migration status may not be updated immediately. The Migration Hub page will periodically refresh itself, and you can also manually refresh it until the project status changes.
When the Status changes to Ready, you can
, click Start Connector Migration to migrate application-related data to Cloud.Status colour Green title ready Warning NOTE - If you only see a greyed-out Start Connector Migration button and there are no projects listed, refer to Step 2 to upload your project data from Server to Cloud first.
Next, select the SFJC-related projects you want to migrate. You can select multiple projects, if available. Click Next to continue.
Review the SFJC-related projects ready to be migrated and click Migrate.
The project status will change from Ready to In Progress in the New tab.
Info Status definition :
The app is still waiting for the data to be available in JCMA data warehouse.Status title Not Ready
The app data for this project is ready to be migrated to Cloud.Status colour Green title Ready
The Connector migration is still in progress.Status colour Yellow title In Progress
Data is not available due to errors/ complications.Status colour Red title Failed
When the SFJC-related project is completely migrated to Cloud, it will move to the Completed tab.
SFJC data, including bindings, connections, and associations, has been successfully migrated to Cloud.
Reauthorize the Salesforce connection prior to progressing to testing actual scenarios. Instructions are available on this page.
At this point, you might want to try testing out both scenarios below:
Creating Create a new project in Cloud and testing test the connectivity of any issues in that project to Salesforce.
Creating Create a new test issue on any known project that was recently migrated and to test the end-to-end experience by connecting to Salesforce.