You have reviewed Step 1 - Plan out your migration (CFSJ).
You have administrator access to the following platforms:
Your Jira Server instance.
Your Jira Cloud site.
Your Salesforce organization.
Make sure you have an integration user set up or follow the documentation on how to create an integration user account for the connector.
Log in to your Jira Cloud instance.
Click on Settings > on Settings > Manage apps, and under User-installed apps, click on Salesforce & Jira Cloud Connector.
Click on Migration Hub (BETA) in the left menu.
On the Migration Hub page, click on Get Started Started, which will register registers a webhook which that allows the cloud SFJC app to enable receiving data from the SFJC server.
You should see a confirmation message similar to the one belowA confirmation message appears.
Log in to your Jira server instance.
will need to
To prepare your Connector's app data, youmust run the Jira Cloud Migration
AssistantAssistant (JCMA)
toto choose
the projectsthe projects, users, and groups
thatyou want to migrate.
Follow the instructions in Atlassian's JCMA Migration Guide, and do not skip any steps.
Take note of the following important sections when using the JCMA:
In the Assess your apps page, make sure Connector for Salesforce & Jira is marked as Needed in cloud.
In the Agree to app migration page, you will need to must allow Connector for Salesforce & Jira to access your data, or the migration will not work.
Continue with the rest of Atlassian's JCMA Migration Guide, You . You can monitor the status of your data migration in the Migration dashboard. When the migration status changes to Migration complete, you can proceed to the next step.