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Follow the steps:

  1. Create two custom fields in the respective project:

    • Type Of Issue (Text)

    • Time to Resolution in Minutes (Numeric)

  2. Navigate to 'Apps' → 'Reports and Timesheet' → 'Custom Report.'

  3. Select 'Chart' as the report type.

  4. Add the custom field 'Type Of Issue' to the X-axis and apply a filter to the group. For example, it has been grouped by 'Epic.'


  5. Add another custom field, 'Time to Resolution in Minutes', to the Y-axis. For this, select 'Average' as the aggregation method.


  6. Write and validate the JQL query based on requirements.

  7. Run the report.


  8. It will display the average Time to Resolution by Issue Type "Epic" in a bar chart report.
