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As an administrator, you may need to cleanup some reviews that are obsolete or in the wrong state. In order to delete reviews, you normally need to transition them to abandon. Draft reviews are a special case.


Transition Reviews

No Format
titleTransition multiple issues
--action runFromList --list CR-3,CR-5 --common "--action transitionReview --review @entry@ --state abandon" --continue

Run: --action transitionReview --review CR-3 --state abandon 
Remote error: Transition 'abandon' is not valid for review CR-3
Run: --action transitionReview --review CR-5 --state abandon 
Review CR-5 transitioned to Dead.
Client error: 1 actions failed, 1 actions were successful 

Delete reviews

If you need to delete reviews that are not in state abandon then run the above example first.


titleDelete multiple reviews


Include Page
SUPPORTS:How to transition or delete multiple reviews
SUPPORTS:How to transition or delete multiple reviews