Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Problem statement

This article helps you to fix the remote Remote error (mentioned in the next section) while adding a user to a group.



    1. Code Block
      --action addUserToGroup --autoGroup --continue --userId "automation" --group "development"

      In this example, the userId is case sensitive.

    2. If the userId is different from the one that already exists, you see the following remote error:

      Code Block
      --action addUserToGroup --autoGroup --continue --userId "Automation" --group "development"
      Remote error: You cannot add users to groups which are not visible to you.

    3. If the userId is different from the one that already exists, you see the following remote error:

      Code Block
      --action addUserToGroup --autoGroup --continue --userId "Automation" --group "development"
      Remote error: You cannot add users to groups which are not visible to you.

  1. To find the intended user or group you can search for users and groups with the CLI.
    1. Find users using a fragment of their name, email, etc or a regular expression (regex).  In this example we search for the automation user with or without the first letter capitalized:

      Code Block
      --action getUserList --name "@all" --regex "[aA]utomation"

    2. Find groups using a fragment of the group name "development" via a regular expression (regex):

      Code Block
      --action getGroupList --regex ".*dev.*"

  2. Use preserveCase

    Use the parameter: preserveCase in the command to override the default behavior and preserve the case.


    Example: In some actions like addUser


    and addGroup, by default the environment

    by default

    checks for the text in lower case


    (like automation instead of Automation). By

    providing the 

    using --

    preserveCase to

    preserveCase parameter in the command, CLI

    will create



    checks for the users based on the input.

    Code Block
    --action addUserToGroup --autoGroup --continue --userId "automation" --group "development" --preserveCase
