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This document explains the usage of the 'Jira CLI for a use case: How to create sub-taskCommand Line Interface (CLI) - runFromCsv' action to create subtask(s) / or issues using runFromCsv action using  or update the status of the issues using the transitionIssue action.

Status is a workflow concept (not the regular JIRA field). It must be updated by workflow progression.




Create issue(s) using the CLI action


The following action will create issue of type sub-task(s) only.


Code Block
Run: --project "WUC" --summary "new by run from csv" --type "Sub-task" --parent "WUC-805" --action createIssue  --continue
Issue WUC-826 created with id 19408 as subtask of WUC-805. 

Run: --project "WUC" --summary "new1" --type "Sub-task" --parent "WUC-811" --action createIssue  --continue
Issue WUC-827 created with id 19409 as subtask of WUC-811. 

Run completed successfully. 2 actions were successful from file: samplefile.csv


Update the status of the issue(s), run the CLI action:

When u have a list of issue and you want to change the status of the issue, then run the following CLI action.


  • Before implementing it in the production environment, make sure ensure the above mentioned CLI action is tested in your non-production environment.
  • Ensure that the parameters server, user and password are mentioned in the / jira.bat file.
  • Both CLI actions can be executed independently.
