How to create issue or update status using runFromCsv

This document explains the usage of the:

  • 'Jira Command Line Interface (CLI) - runFromCsv' action to create subtask(s) or issues
  • transitionIssue action to update the status of the issues

Status is a workflow concept (not a regular Jira field) and must be updated by workflow progression.


Create issue(s) using the CLI action

The following action creates only a sub-task(s) issue type:

./ --action runFromCsv --file "samplefile.csv" --common "--action createIssue --continue"

The CSV file being used must contain the project, summary, type and parent fields.

Running the CLI createIssue action results in:

Run: --project "WUC" --summary "new by run from csv" --type "Sub-task" --parent "WUC-805" --action createIssue  --continue
Issue WUC-826 created with id 19408 as subtask of WUC-805. 

Run: --project "WUC" --summary "new1" --type "Sub-task" --parent "WUC-811" --action createIssue  --continue
Issue WUC-827 created with id 19409 as subtask of WUC-811. 

Run completed successfully. 2 actions were successful from file: samplefile.csv

Update the issue(s) status using CLI action

When you have a list of issues and you want to change the status of one or more issues, run the following CLI action:

./ --action runFromCsv --file "samplefiletoupdate.csv" --common "--action transitionIssue --continue"

The CSV file being used must contain the issue and transition fields. The value(s) in the issue column are the issue key(s) to be updated with the respective transitions in the transition column.

Running the mentioned CLI transitionIssue action results in:

Run: --issue "WUC-802" --transition "Reopen" --action transitionIssue  --continue
Successfully transitioned issue WUC-802 with transition 'Reopen'.

Run: --issue "WUC-803" --transition "Done" --action transitionIssue  --continue
Successfully transitioned issue WUC-803 with transition 'Done'.

  • Ensure that the  CLI action is tested in your non-production environment before implementing the mentioned solution in the production environment.
  • Ensure that the parameters - server, user and password are mentioned in the / jira.bat file.
  • Both CLI actions can be executed independently.