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The support for Date type date sorting support is built in including which includes multiple language support and does not require any additional server installation - this . This is the recommended type to use for date sorting.


If the Date column type is specified, the default date parsing recognizes a number of common date formats including those recognized by through the browser specific JavaScript implementation. However, there may be browser specific inconsistencies. The following ISO-8601 formats are recognized consistently across browsers:


M, MMMonth Number (1 - 12)
MMM, MMMMMonth Name (In the current language)
D, DDDay of month
DDD, DDDDDay of year
d, dd, ddd, dddd

Day of week

(NOTE: the


The input for these tokens is ignored


as there are 4-5 weeks in a month


and it would be impossible to get the day of the month based off the day of the week



YY2 digit year (if greater than 68 will return , it returns 1900's, otherwise 2000's)
YYYY4 digit year
H, HH24 hour time
h, hh12 hour time (use in conjunction with a or A)
m, mmMinutes
s, ssSeconds
SDeciseconds (1/10th of a second)
SSCentiseconds (1/100th of a second)
SSSMilliseconds (1/1000th of a second)
Z, ZZTimezone offset as +07:00 or +0700
XUnix timestamp
