Release date: 2022-09-07
Auibutton | ||||||||
Note |
NoteFor rollback purposes, please back up your database before starting the upgrade process or test the new BigPicture version on an isolated environment |
Bug fixes and improvements:
Jira 9.1 - Sub-scope definition - Cannot select or create Jira sprints
Board: tasks are not visible on board for users if some tasks are linked with tasks in the inaccessible project
Poor performance of userCount collection
Roadmap: adding an initiative with an assignee and refreshing the page removes objectives from the gadget
Selected teams
coverscover the filters menu on Board/Objectives
Div class release-notes Div class release-notes-table Jira Charts server System JIRA jql fixVersion%20%3D%20%22prod%2Fbigpicture%2Fjiraserver%2F2022%2F09%2F07%2F10%2F00%2F8.6.3%22%20and%20category%3Dproducts%20and%20resolution%20%3D%20Done%20and%20project%3DONE%20and%20level%20is%20empty%20order%20by%20IssueType%20DESC%2C%20Priority%2C%20summary ystattype issuetype chartType twodimensional isAuthenticated true numberToShow 20 xstattype priorities serverId 8382ec9d-abb6-3a29-8d72-95b9a5732a63 Div class release-notes-chart Jira Charts border false showinfor false server System JIRA jql fixVersion%20%3D%20%22prod%2Fbigpicture%2Fjiraserver%2F2022%2F09%2F07%2F10%2F00%2F8.6.3%22%20and%20category%3Dproducts%20and%20resolution%20%3D%20Done%20and%20project%3DONE%20and%20level%20is%20empty%20order%20by%20IssueType%20DESC%2C%20Priority%2C%20summary statType issuetype chartType pie isAuthenticated true serverId 8382ec9d-abb6-3a29-8d72-95b9a5732a63 Bug fixes listBUG FIXES LIST
Info Use "Incognito mode" to open below tickets and find out the details.
Div class rw_pagetree rw_corners rw_theme_public rw_theme_public Jira Legacy server System JIRA columnIds issuetype,issuekey,summary,priority columns type,key,summary,priority maximumIssues 50 jqlQuery fixVersion = "prod/bigpicture/jiraserver/2022/09/07/10/00/8.6.3" and category=products and resolution = Done and project=ONE AND issuetype=bug and level is empty order by IssueType DESC, Priority, summary serverId 8382ec9d-abb6-3a29-8d72-95b9a5732a63 Known issuesKNOWN ISSUES
Jira Legacy | ||||||||||||