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Table plus
ParameterDefaultMacro Browser LabelDescription
idautomatically generated numeric idUnique idUsed for url request parameters.
replaceblank (no fields defined)Replace field list

A comma separated list of field descriptions. Any entry containing a comma (,) or colon (\:) must be enclosed in single quotes (') - example: x:1:'It''s an example: 1, 2, or 3'.

Avoid some reserved Confluence values like: pageId, spaceKey, title, wikiMarkup, xHtml

autoRunfalseAutomatically render body on displaySet to true to automatically render the macro body with the default field values.
autoExportfalseAutomatically render export on displaySet to true to automatically render the macro body with the default field values and export to the exportFile if specified.
hideParametersfalseHide field table 
hideColumnHeadingsfalseHide column headings on field table 
hideRunfalseHide run button 
hideExporttrueHide export button 
showResetfalseShow a reset buttonA reset button allows users to return fields to their initial values.
showKeyfalseShow the key in the field tableCan be useful for testing.
showMorefalseShow fields with the more qualifierNormally more fields are hidden until the more icon is pressed.
help@selfHelp pageA page reference by title, spacekey:title or @self, @parent, @home. Used as the target page for help links. If this is specified and is a valid and authorized page reference, a help icon will appear at the top right of the parameter area that links to the help page. In addition, any parameter whose description begins with ? will generate a help icon and link to an anchor on the page specified. The anchor will be identified by the replacement field key. A link to a anchor not defined on the help page will show the top of the help page.
anchor Anchor

Name of a page anchor on the current page used to position after button press. Normally, the anchor would be placed before the run macro or at the top of the run macro body so that the results are shown at the top of the page. If there are parameter validation conditions, errors from user input may not be visible if the anchor is after the form.

field Field name to receive focusName of an input field to receive focus when page is initially displayed to allow typing or selection immediately. Themes or other page content may override this setting. It may also be browser dependent.
headingblankHeading textText that appears as the first row of the field table. Line breaks with leading space ( <br>) and required spaces (&nbsp;) are supported.
promptblankPrompt textText that appears just prior to the run or export buttons. Line breaks with leading space ( <br>) and required spaces (&nbsp;) are supported.
titleRunRun or translationText on the run button 
titleResetReset or translationText on the reset button 
titleExportExport or translationText on the export buttonThe exportFile parameter is required before the export button will show.
titleExportFileName: or translationText in front of the export file fieldThis will only be shown if the exportFile parameter value starts with a question mark (?).
titleAttachmentCommentComment: or translationText in front of the attachment comment fieldThis will only be shown if the attachmentComment parameter value starts with a question mark (?).
attachmentComment Initial value of attachment comment fieldThe comment will be used for an exported attachment. If it begins with a question mark (?), then an entry field with this value will appear next to the export button. Replacement variables are allowed.
exportFile Initial value of export file nameLocation of the partial html file that will be created on export representing the rendered macro body. For export to an attachment, the user must be authorized to add attachments to the page specified. Replacement variables are allowed.
  • ^attachment - The rendered html is exported as an attachment to the current page.
  • page^attachment - The rendered html is exported as an attachment to the page name provided.
  • space:page^attachment - The rendered html exported as an attachment to the page name provided in the space indicated.
  • filename - The rendered html is exported as a file located in confluence home directory/script/filename. Subdirectories can be specified.
exportVersionnewSelect the version mechanism for exported fileDefines the the version mechanism for exported reports.
  • new - Creates a new version of the attachment. For file based exports new has the same effect as keep.
  • replace - Replace (overwrites) existing file and, for attachments, removes all previous versions! To replace an existing attachment, the user must be authorized to remove attachments for the page specified.
  • keep - Only creates an new export if an existing export of the same name does not exist. An existing attachment will not be changed and an existing file will not be updated.
encodingsystem defaultFile encoding for exported file 
widthblank Width of the field table in percent(%) or pixels.
inputSize95% table widthSize of text input fieldsUnless overridden by field specific parameters - see Field types
buttonPadding4Padding around buttonsIn pixels.
dateFormatsystem defaultDate format for $current_timeSee Date Format for how to specify this value.
suppressQuotefalseSuppress quoting of multi-select valuesMulti-select field types replace as a comma separated list of single quoted strings. Set to true to remove the quotes.
keepRequestParametersfalseKeep request parametersSet to true to keep existing request parameters on the url after button is pressed. Normally used for recursive use or when there are multiple run commands on the same page so that the results of one run macro are retained when the second is run. All requests parameters will be retained if keepRequestIds is not specified. Otherwise, non-run macro request parameters and those references by the keepRequestIds parameter will be retained.
keepRequestIds  Comma separated list of run macro ids whose request parameters should be retained on the url after button is pressed. Use of this parameter or keepRequestParameters parameter is required for recursive use of this macro.



Request parameter defaultDefault is run_id_ where id is the value of the id parameter. The prefix is appended with the parameter name to form the request parameter key on the url. Use @blank to have a blank prefix.
requestAction Request parameter key for the actionDefault is run_id where id is the value of the id parameter. This represents the request parameter key for the action to perform (run or export).
parameterInput Velocity include referenceFor advanced customization of the display of the parameter input table. This requires velocity programming and Confluence system administrator privileges to add and update the customized velocity file. This is a velocity include reference relative to the Confluence web app and replaces the table portion of the velocity file embedded in the pluginadd-on.
disableAntiXssfalseStop encoding of HTML characters

Since 4.4. Allows HTML in parameter descriptions. Use may be restricted by the administrator. This is controlled by CMSP.