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Uses XSLT to transform XML to HTML, XHTML, or wiki markup. Supports XSLT 1.0.


Table plus

ParameterDefaultMacro Browser LabelDescription
outputhtmlTransformed output format

Determines how the transformed output is to be treated.

  • html - transformed output is standard htmlHTML.
  • xhtml - transformed output is treated as xhtml XHTML and rendered with the Confluence xhtml XHTML renderer.
  • wiki - transformed output is treated as wiki markup and rendered with the Confluence wiki renderer.
sourcemacro bodyLocation of XML code

Required if style (XSLT code) is in macro body.

  • #filename - Data is read from the file located in confluence home directory/script/filename. Subdirectories can be specified.
  • global page template name - Data is read from a global page template. Special note: How to deal with templates on Confluence 4.3 and later.
  • space:page template name - Data is read from a space template.
  • ^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the current page.
  • page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided.
  • space:page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided in the space indicated.

required or

macro body if source is specified

Location of XSLT code

Required if source XML is in the macro body, otherwise defaults to the macro body

  • #filename - Data is read from the file located in confluence Confluence home directory/script/filename. Subdirectories can be specified.
  • global page template name - Data is read from a global page template. Special note: How to deal with templates on Confluence 4.3 and later.
  • space:page template name - Data is read from a space template.
  • ^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the current page.
  • page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided.
  • space:page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided in the space indicated.
Find regex patterns

Comma separated list of regex patterns to use for repairing and modifying XML prior to processing by the XSLT processor with find and replace logic. HTML-68 has a bit more on this.

Example: (google\.dtd)

Replacement strings

Comma separated list corresponding to find patterns via index position in list. Single quote entries containing a comma.


headfalseInclude head section HTMLOnly in affect if clean=true. The head tag is always removed. However, setting this to true will set as true to retain all the other tags from the head section and treat them as regular body content. This is useful for retaining style information in particular.
showErrorsfalseShow error message panelXSLT transformer generated warning and errors will appear in a panel even if the transform transformer is not terminated with an error. Terminating errors automatically generate an error panel.
encodingsystem defaultFile encodingEncoding for an external file if different from the system default handling. Example: UTF-8.
URL user User name for URL access via basic authentication.
URL user password User password for URL access via basic authentication. 
Timeout in millisecondsURL connections may timeout before getting data. Use this to increase time needed for slow connections. Be careful using 0 for as the connection can then enter an infinite wait.
disableSecureProcessingfalseDisable secure processing feature
If authorized by your Confluence administrator to change this setting, then more powerful capabilities are available. See
Jira Legacy
for details. Administrators can use CMSP to enable these more powerful capabilities.
xsltVersion1.0XSLT VersionThis parameter is available with 5.4.0 version. This lists the XSLT versions the macro is compatible with. Select the version based on your style (XSLT) input document.
<transformer parameters>

Only available when specifying xslt specifying XSLT macro via wiki markup. See Passing parameters to the XSLT engine below.


Download a copy of the cdcatalog.xsl from and attach it to your page.

No Format
<title>Empire Burlesque</title>
<artist>Bob Dylan</artist>
<title>Maggie May</title>
<artist>Rod Stewart</artist>


No Format
{xslt:source=xslt - basic^cdcatalog.xml|style=#}


Passing parameters to the XSLT engine

Parameters not interpreted by


the XSLT macro are passed through to


XSLT. You must use wiki macro syntax to take advantage of this.


Consider the following example provided by Johan Nagels:

No Format
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
<xsl:param name="winnersOnly">no</xsl:param>
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
The value of winnersOnly is "<xsl:value-of select="$winnersOnly"/>"

The output is: The value of winnersOnly is "lala"

If you omit the parameter, then the output is: The value of winnersOnly is "no"
