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Table of Contents

Extended search allows you to search through your Jira instance using JQL with additional functions. There are many occasions when standard Jira search is too limiting. Follow the next section to learn how to use Extended search.


  1. Go to main Jira page and nagivate to Apps → JQL Search Extensions

  2. In the Extended search screen, type a JQL query and press Search or hit Enter.

You can use additional functions provided by JQL Search Extensions. For example, to find all issues with a summary starting with “Hello” type issue in wildcardMatch(“summary”, “Hello*”)

Extended search usage avc high bitrate 2.mp4

Using the results in Jira search

You can save your Extended JQL query as a Jira filter.

Save the query as a filter button actives after you perform a search.

Read more about Extended search filters.

JQL Functions

Extended search functions are invoked just like standard JQL functions. They are autocompleted after you start typing issue in…


Matches issues that contain the text in the summary or description. Takes a case-sensitive text as an argument.

issue in exactTextMatch("text")


Similar to exactTextMatch but is case insensitive.

issue in exactTextMatchCaseInsensitive("tExT") matches issues with TEXT, Text, tEXT etc.


Matches issues with a field containing a specified text (case-sensitive). You can use the asterisk (*) to match any text.

issue in wildcardMatch("summary", "Hello*")
issue in wildcardMatch("fixVersion", "12.0*")
issue in wildcardMatch("labels", "*Marketing*")
issue in wildcardMatch("component", "Business*")
issue in wildcardMatch("category", "MyOrg*")

The star symbol can be placed anywhere in the text – you can even place more than one.


Use the full power of regular expressions to match field values. Regular expressions are strict and case sensitive.


issue in regex("summary", "^Hello.*") matches issues with summaries starting with
issue in regex("fixVersion", "12.[0-5]") matches issues with versions from 12.0 to 12.5
issue in regex("labels", "Marketing$")matches issues with labels that end with Marketing
issue in regex("component", "Business*")
issue in regex("category", "MyOrg*")


For a given JQL subquery it finds the epics of the resulting issues.


issue in epicsOfChildrenInQuery("'Team Name'='My great team'") and status='To Do' finds my team’s epics that are still in progress
issue in epicsOfChildrenInQuery("assignee=currentUser() AND updated>-1d") finds epics of my issues that where updated over the last day


For a given JQL subquery it finds the children of the resulting epics.


issue in childrenOfEpicsInQuery("resolution is not empty") AND resolution is empty finds issues in progress that belong to an epic which has finished
issue in childrenOfEpicsInQuery("fixVersion='21.0.1' AND component=UI AND labels='review'") finds children of epics with particular version, component and label


For a given JQL subquery and an optional link type, it finds issues linked to resulting issues.

issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=ACME", "is blocked by") finds issues that my project ACME is blocked by
issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=ACME", "blocks") finds issues that project ACME blocks
issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("type=Epic AND status='To Do'") finds issues that are linked in any way with epics that are in progress


For a given JQL subquery it finds parents of resulting subtasks


issue in parentsOfSubtasksInQuery("status='To Do'") and status='Done' finds finished issues that have unfinished subtasks
issue in parentsOfSubtasksInQuery("assignee=currentUser()") finds parents of my subtasks


For a given JQL subquery it finds subtasks of resulting parent issues


issue in subtasksOfParentsInQuery("status='Done'") and status='To Do' finds subtasks that are in progress and have finished parents
issue in subtasksOfParentsInQuery("assignee=currentUser()") finds subtasks of my issues

Permissions and feature availability to users

JQL Search Extensions Extended Search screen is a global permission that controls a visibility of Extended search feature. By defaults this permission is granted to all Jira users.