Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The quickest and easiest way how to add issues to the version is from the release detail screen in Swanly.

How to add issues to the release


Find your release and open release detail


in Swanly. Click on +Add issues button in the


Scope section

Image Added

Create a new issue

Use the form to create a new issue. Select desired issue type, fill summary and click on Create button.

The issue is then created and linked to the release.

Image Added

Link an existing issue

Click on Add an existing issue link.


Search for the issue key or summary and click on the Add button.

Image Added


If you're using the Next-gen project you need to enable Versions and Releases in the project to see created Issues in the Swanly. Read more