In this section you will find the most common question and the reporting procedure:
Clear Cache (available only on Jira Server / Jira Data Center)
Most of the problems with outdated information which can cause errors can be resolved by clearing the cache.
IMPORTANT: "Clear cache" button is hidden under a feature flag and is NOT available on Jira Cloud. If you need to use this button, please contact the Support and a feature flag can be removed via Cloud Manager:
You can find more information on Basic Troubleshooting on the page about BigPicture Configuration. Keep in mind, those settings are accessible only to users with Jira admin permissions.
How does the Box start and end date affect the schedule?
When you add a new task to the scope of the Box and the task does not have any date estimates, the App will use the 'Creation date' as the start and end date. When tasks have dependencies defined, the linked tasks will be rescheduled when one of the auto period modes is enabled.