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#foreach($comment in $comments) <p>$fieldRenderer.renderWiki2Html($comment.getBody())</p> #end |
Code Block | ||||||
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<p>Comments:<br /> #if ($comments != $null && $comments.size() > 0) #foreach($comment in $comments) #if ($renderer.isCommentInternalServiceDesk($comment)) <span>Internal JIRA SD comment: $comment.getBody()</span><br /> #end #end #end </p> |
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$assignee $fieldRenderer.renderField("T3 Priority Score") $fieldRenderer.renderFieldById("customfield_10510") |
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#set( $formatString = "EEE, MMM d, ''yy") <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Comments</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> #foreach($comment in $comments) <tr> <td>$dateFormatter.withStyle($formatString).format($comment.getCreated()) $comment.getAuthorFullName()</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>$comment.getBody()</p><hr /> </td> </tr> #end </tbody> </table> |
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<p>Public comments for the issue $issue.getKey() with summary "$issue.getSummary()"</p> <hr /> #if ("$!comments" != "" && $comments.size() > 0) #foreach($comment in $comments) #if("$!comment.getRoleLevelId()" == "") <p> $comment.getCreated() $comment.getAuthorFullName() <br /> $comment.getBody() </p> #end #end #else <p>The task has not any comments</p> #end |
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#macro( renderJiraIssues $listTitle, $itemTitle $collection ) <h4>$title</h4> <ul> <li>title count: $subTasks.size()</li> #foreach($issue in $collection) <li> <h5>$itemTitle</h5> <ul> <li>Key: "$issue.getKey()"</li> <li>Summary: "$issue.getSummary()"</li> </ul> </li> #end </ul> #end <p>Public comments for the issue $issue.getKey() with summary "$issue.getSummary()"</p><br /> <ul> <li> #renderJiraIssues("Subtasks", "Subtask", $subTasks) </li> <li> #renderJiraIssues("Issue Links", "Linked Issue", $links) </li> <li> <h4>Remote Links</h4> <ul> <li>Remote Links count: $remoteLinks.size()</li> #foreach($remoteLink in $remoteLinks) <li> <h5>Remote link</h5> <ul> <li>Title: "$remoteLink.getTitle()"</li> <li>Url: $remoteLink.getUrl()</li> </ul> </li> #end </ul> </li> </ul> |