
This feature is available starting with v4.5.0.


To define what URI and HTTP method(s) will be used to invoke a specific SIL script, use the SIL Webhooks configuration.

  1. Log in to your Jira as Admin.
  2. Go to your Administration > Add-ons > CPRIME PLUGINS CONFIGURATION > SIL Webhooks Configuration.
  3. To create a Webhook entry, click the the Add webhook button.
    A screen like the following will appear:

  4. Fill in the parameters in the form:
    • Name - the name of the webhook. This will be used as an identifier for the webhook configuration.
    • Methods - the HTTP method (or methods) to bind the webhook to.
    • Script - SIL script that will run when calling this webhook.
    • Synchronized - the sync/async configuration for the webhook.

    The difference between synchronous and asynchronous is that the asynchronous Webhook SIL call can't return any results or custom HTTP codes to the caller. This happens because the SIL script run task is added to a list of future tasks to be run, and the HTTP call ends.

    With the synchronous option, the call will block until the SIL script run is completed, and the results will be returned to the caller.

  5. Save the configuration.
    After you save  the configuration, a new entry like the following one will show up:

    The URI column in the table will help you run your newly created wekbook. For example if your Jira installation instance is located at http://localhost, you can run the webhook using the  http://localhost/rest/keplerrominfo/refapp/latest/webhooks/mysilwebhook/run address with the selected HTTP method(s).
