manage the publishing configuration for an existing source space
use the ellipsis menu option Clear Publishing configuration
For a space publishing action, the space administrator requires view and edit permission for all the pages in the source space and the target space. Page-level restrictions that do not include the space administrator may affect the ability to publish the page. The User permissions for publishing Select user performing publishing action option can be set to use the app add-on user permissions in the target space when publishing instead of the space administrator user permissions.
Publishing in a space can be configured to use the Comala Publishing app add-on user permissions in the target space instead of the publishing user’s permissions. For new spaces, the app-add-on user is selected by default in the Select user performing publishing action setting.
This allows pages to be published without needing specific user permissions in the target space.
By default, for a new space publishing configuration, the The Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud app add-on user permissions in the target space are used for publishing actions.
User permissions for publishing are The Select user performing publishing action option is set using a dropdown menu.
Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud app add-on user permissions
user permissions of the User who triggers User responsible for the action
Removing Using the app add-on user for publishing lets you remove user edit permissions in the target space and can support compliance with published documents.
You should not change the space permissions for the app user! The app add-on user permissions are used, for example, when publishing using an applied Comala workflow.