
Predefined structure: IncomingEmail

Incoming Email


string []

array Array of email addresses


string []

array Array of email addresses


string []

array Array of email addresses





this is the entire Entire body of the message , including any quoted text in case of replied /or forwarded messages


string []

array Array containing the names of the attachments; there can be duplicates


Writing the handler script

There are 2 the following important things to note about the mail handler script:

  1. If the first email address in the "from" field (the sender of the email) belongs to a registered Jira user, the script will be run as that user (, that is currentUser() will return that user). Otherwise, the script will be run as an anonymous user.
  2. The return value of the script dictates if other mail handlers will be called for the email or not. 
    1. If the script returns true or has no return value, the email is considered as "handled" and subsequent mail handlers will not be called.
    2. If the script returns false or throws an error, the email is considered "not handled" and subsequent mail handlers will be called.

Here is an example of a mail handler equivalent to Jira's built in "Create issue or add comment".

Code Block
IncomingEmail mail = getIncomingEmail();

string issueKey = matchText(mail.subject, "[A-Z][A-Z]+-[0-9]+"); // find an issue key in the subject
if(isNull(issueKey)) {
	// if no issue key found, create a new issue
    string [] fields = {};
    fields += {"reporter", currentUserKey()};
    fields += {"assignee", getUserByEmail(mail.cc[0]).key}; 

    string newIssue = createIssue("TEST", "", "Task", mail.subject, "Minor", mail.body, {}, "", "", 0, fields);
    %newIssue%.watchers = getUserKeysFromEmails(mail.cc); 
} else {
	// if issue key found in subject, add a comment
    addComment(issueKey, currentUserKey(), mail.body);


You may might find useful the getUserByEmail and getUserKeysFromEmails routines useful.

Adding the SIL Mail Handler

To add a new SIL Mail Handler, go to Administration → System → :

  1. Go to Administration > System > Incoming Mail and click Add incoming mail handler.


  1. Image Added

  2. Fill in the


  1. necessary fields:
    • Mail Handler name
    • Incoming server to use


    • Delay between running time
    • Select the SIL Mail Handler


    Click Next.
  1. In the next screen, select the script to use for the handler and click Add.


  1. Image Added

To delete the mail handler, use the Jira standard feature.

That's it!

See also

Mail Handler Routines