Labelled content
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Why is Composition on my Confluence Instance disabled? (Composition Tabs for Confluence Cloud)
Why Doesn't the Composition Plugin Work with Custom Themes? (Composition Tabs for Confluence Cloud)
Switching to the new Tabs macro (Composition Tabs for Confluence Cloud)
Why is Composition taking such a long time to install? (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)
Why is Composition on my Confluence Instance disabled? (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)
Switching to the new Tabs macro (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)
How to use image as the Card Label (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)
How to Upgrade Composition from Confluence 3.x to 4.x and Above? (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)
How to link to a specific tab in a Deck of Cards on another page (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)
Custom CSS Is No Longer Working After Updating Composition to version 4.0.0 (Composition Tabs for Confluence Data Center)