JQL Search Extensions (Server/Data Center)
The instructions on this page describe how to execute a JQL search using extensions from JQL Search Extensions Add-ons
JQL Search Extensions are accessible from searching Advanced mode.
Finds issues which moved from the project in argument. For instance:
project = SEARCHSERVER AND issue in movedIssues("SEARCHCLOUD")
Will find all issues which are in project SEARCHSERVER and moved from project SEARCHCLOUD.
fieldMatch(jql-subquery, field-name, regexp)
FieldMatch can be used to find issues with field matching the regular expression in the argument. For instance:
issue in fieldMatch("project = SEARCH", "description", "find issues mat*")
Will find all issues with description field matching the regular expression find issues mat*
The asterisk *
matches any alphanumeric characters. It is also possible to use all regular expression constructs, such as
issue in fieldMatch("project = SEARCH", "description", "find issu[a-z]{2} mat*")
issue in fieldMatch("project = SEARCH", "my custom field", "f[a-z]{5}
This function can be used with any system or custom field.
For documentation of of regular expression constructs, please follow this link
fieldsHaveSameValue(jql-subquery, field-name1, field-name2,...,field-name-x)
FieldsHaveSameValue can be used to find issues with fields having the same value. For instance:
It is possible to use multiple fields in the expression, such as below:
It is also possible to add JQL subquery to the expression. It will narrow the search only to those issues which match the subquery (in the example below, are in the project DEMO and have the same value of fields version and my-custom-field-with-version).
In case fields contain multiple values (for instance, there are many values of field version) the function will expect all values to be equal (but doesn't expect the same order).
AttachedAfter can be used to find issues with attachments added after particular date. Expected date format is yyyy-MM-dd (year dash month dash day of the month) or dd-MM-YYYY
AttachedBefore can be used to find issues with attachments added before particular date. Expected date format is yyyy-MM-dd (year dash month dash day of the month) or dd-MM-YYYY
AttachedBetween can be used to find issues with attachments added between particular dates. Expected date format is yyyy-MM-dd (year dash month dash day of the month) or dd-MM-YYYY
AttachedOnDate can be used to find issues with attachments added on particular dates. Expected date format is yyyy-MM-dd (year dash month dash day of the month) or dd-MM-YYYY
AttachedByUser can be used to find issues with attachments added by a particular user (username is expected)
This function can be used together with membersOf to find issues attached by users who are members of a particular group.
AttachmentExtension can be used to find issues with attachments with particular extension.
AttachmentName can used to find issues with attachments with particular name.
AttachmentsCountEqualTo can be used to find issues with particular number of attachments.
AttachmentsCountGreaterThan can be used to find issues with number of attachments greater than provided number
AttachmentsCountLessThan can be used to find issues with number of attachments lesser than provided number
Software Development
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
Issue hierarchy
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |