Access Tokens

Access Tokens


Follow these steps to generate a token for ACLI to use for authorization:
1. Go to this URL using a browser: https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=b1247472885730ad0f54f5222f7f927a&name=ACLI&response_type=token&expiration=never&scope=read,write,account
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
3. Consider modifying the URL to change the scope of authorization (read, write, account) or expiration (1hour, 1day, 30days, never).
4. You will need to log into your Trello account.
5. Create token.
6. Copy the token into your ACLI properties file entry for accessing Trello with ACLI: aclidev.properties

The above information is also available by running the getTokenInfo action from the client without providing a valid token parameter.

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