Power Scripts™ for Jira enriches the SIL™ language by enabling you to directly access custom fields created by Jira Software just like any other Jira custom fields.
Supported Custom Fields
Custom Field Read/Write SIL Type Value Notes Sprint Read/Write number [] List of sprint IDs Issues assigned to multiple open/started sprints will show up only one sprint in the Rapid Board. It is recommended that you do not assign an issue to multiple open/started sprints. Rank Read-only number The rank To set the rank, use theJira Software Supported Fields Epic Status Read/Write string A valid option for the Epic Status. (by default, it's one of: To Do, In Progress, Done) Requires the issue to be an Epic Epic Link Read/Write string Issue key of the epic where this issue belongs If set to an empty value, the issue will be removed from the epic Epic Name Read/Write string The name of the epic Requires the issue to be an Epic Epic Colour Read/Write string Color code of the epic links that are shown on the child issues Requires the issue to be an Epic. Accepts any valid CSS value for background-color. Story Points Read/Write number The number of story points on the issue Flagged Read/Write string [] A valid option for the Flagged field Business Value Read/Write number The business value of the issue
Examples: #EAEBDD, rgb(127, 67, 233), #cab, yellow
Back to basics
Most of these custom fields contain a blank space in their name, therefore remember to use #{ and } if you'd like to use the name instead of id/alias.
#{Story Points} = 8; #{TEST-1.Epic Name} = "Best Epic name ever"; print(Rank); print(TEST-1.Sprint); print(#{TEST-1.Sprint}); print(#{TEST-1.Business Value});
See also
Live Fields Support for Jira Software Fields
Predefined Jira Software Structure Types