Purchasing the app


7pace Timetracker for monday.com uses the monday.com monetization system. This means that users can try the app during a 14-day trial period for free, but once the period is over, the app has to be purchased to continue working. The amount you will need to pay depends on the purchased number of seats in your account. Please check our Pricing page for more details like FAQ and prices.

Purchasing the app

Please follow the How to pay for a monday.com app manual. 

You can select only plans with the same or higher number of 7pace seats as the number of your maximum monday.com seats. See more in the following sections.

How seats are calculated

7pace uses the seat-based monday.com monetization system, which means that you can select only plans with the same or higher number of 7pace seats as the maximum number of seats in your current monday.com plan. Note that the number of currently active users in your monday.com account - which may be lower than the maximum number of seats in your monday.com plan - is not relevant for pricing calculations.

What about Guests or Viewers?

Viewer seats are not taken into account, while Guests are calculated only under specific circumstances - see monday.com documentation about User types and Pricing for guests.

Identifying the corresponding plan

You can use the table below to find the 7pace plan corresponding to the number of your monday.com seats. 

monday.com purchased seats (max seats)

Corresponding 7pace plan

2 (Free)

2 (Free)





































Please see our Pricing page for exact prices and frequently asked questions.

Can I purchase 7pace only for selected users?

Occasionally, customers with a certain monday.com number of seats (e.g., 100 seats) ask if they can purchase 7pace only for people who actually need to track time (e.g., 60 seats). This is not possible because monday.com monetization does not allow you to purchase the app with fewer seats than your maximum number of monday.com seats determined by your purchased monday.com plan.



Plan selection does not allow choosing fewer seats

If you select an app plan with fewer seats than the maximum number of seats in your monday.com plan, you will not be able to continue to checkout. Please note the screen below is controlled and provided by monday.com, therefore if you have doubts if the seats are calculated correctly, it's best to contact monday support.

Once a plan with a sufficient number of seats is selected, you will be able to continue to checkout again.

Verifying the number of seats

If you believe that an incorrect number of seats is displayed during the purchasing process, please follow the monday Billing management guide to check the number of purchased seats in your monday.com account. In case you have multiple monday.com products, the one with the most seats is taken into account. You can also check the number of active seats by filtering Active users that are neither Viewers nor Guests in User management as the number may be temporarily higher than your maximum number of monday.com seats.

If you still believe the number of seats shown in the purchasing screen does not correspond to your real number of seats, please contact monday support - 7pace does not control the purchasing screens.



Seats exceeded

If you see the following banner (or banners) after you purchased 7pace, the number of users in your monday.com account is higher than the number of purchased 7pace seats. 


In case the limit is exceeded, 7pace offers a grace period for organizations to select a plan and purchase additional seats. To upgrade your plan, just click on the [Upgrade Now] button and follow the instructions provided by the monday.com interface.

Note that 7pace is dependent on monday.com providing the correct number of seats. If you think the information about the number of seats being exceeded is wrong, please create a support request where you state:


License expired

When license is about to expire, organizations are shown a banner informing them to renew the license. If the license is not renewed, a blocking screen will be shown.

 Note that after your license expires, all data related to your organization - including time entries - will be permanently removed after a certain time period. Please consult the Appfire Privacy Policy for more details.


Customers who purchased between May 10 and June 17, 2024

Customers who purchased apps on monday.com marketplace between May 10, 2024, and June 17, 2024, may have purchased fewer seats than their monday.com plan - see more in this monday.com article. As a consequence, the banners like the ones below can appear. The correct procedure in such a case is to upgrade the 7pace plan to a sufficient number of seats.

If you're unsure how to proceed, please send us a support request.