
Get started with configuration transformations

We’ve built yet another powerful feature into the Cloud Migration Tool: transformations. These are a set of actions designed to fix errors, resolve conflicts, and refine configurations before migrating from Jira Server to the Cloud. With the transformations, you can change how projects, configuration elements, and users from the migration scope will be migrated. No need to leave the migration wizard. The feature eliminates the need for complex navigations to tune and fix Jira Server/Data Center instances and Jira Cloud sites.

The transformations' feature set includes:

  • Inline transformations are an easy way to update project names and keys and rename other specific configuration elements with just a few clicks in the migration wizard. This way, the configurations are created as new ones or mapped to chosen elements on the destination. Learn more about inline configuration transformations.

  • Downloading configuration mapping involves downloading a file holding JSON records for all configuration elements in the migration scope, their details, and how they’ll be migrated. The file specifies whether configuration elements, including projects and users, will be newly created or mapped to existing destination elements. Learn more about downloading the configuration mapping.

  • Customizing configuration mapping involves applying transformations from a JSON file to the migrated configurations. These transformations can include renaming and remapping configuration elements or changing project keys. You can also apply transformations to multiple configuration elements simultaneously. Learn more about customizing configuration mapping.

  • User transformations involve applying transformations from a JSON file to the migrated users. This allows you to merge users, correct emails and names, and choose different mappings between source and destination users. Learn more about user transformations.

  • Context transformations involve applying transformations from a JSON file to the custom field contexts being migrated. This capability allows you to correct custom field problems and optimize their contexts on the destination. Learn more about context transformations.

We’ve developed a group of documents to allow you to easily learn these features and utilize them in your daily migration routines: