In order to use the screen values for a field in the data source, you have to add it as dependent field.
Example: Let's suppose we have two custom fields: one KCF - Single Autocomplete and one KCF - Multiple Autocomplete, the second one is populated depending on the value of the first one.
An easy example would be: the first custom field has five options, representing the five continents , and the second one contains the countries from some table ("countries"), depending on the value selected on the first one.
You can see the corresponding data sources below:
The data source for the first custom field:
The data source for the second custom field:
string x = argv["customfield_10101"]; string[] res = sql("myDB", "select country from countries where continent like '" + x + "'"); return res;
In the issue view screen, the result would look like this:
For the moment, dependent fields can only be used by the two custom fields with autocomplete, and can only be referred in SIL data sources.
In order to get the value set on the screen for one custom field, you will have to refer it like this: "argv[customfield_id]"