Users must belong to an authorized group to use the features of Publisher for Confluence Cloud to Salesforce.
Publisher for Confluence Cloud to Salesforce must already be installed.
You need to be an Atlassian Cloud site admin.
Confluence must already be connected to Salesforce.
Adding an authorized group
Click on the gear icon ⚙ (Settings) in your Confluence space.
In the left sidebar, scroll down to the Salesforce Publisher section, and click on Configuration.
In the Permissions section, click the “Choose a group to add” dropdown and select the group(s) authorized to use the features.
Click Add to add the group as an authorized group to access exporting features.
Users in the “site-admins” and “administrators” groups automatically have permission to use the publisher features.
Group permission features
You can configure the level of access for every authorized group added:
Authorized Group - Displays the list of authorized groups that you have added.
Members - Displays the members that are part of the authorized group, hovering over the members allows you to view the names.
Status - Displays if the members have “All-Access” or “Restricted” access to the exporting features.
Action - Allows you to remove and edit the access of the authorized group.
Editing permissions
By default, a group has “All-Access” status when all the options are checked. Unchecking any checkboxes will change the status of the authorized group to “Restricted”.
Click on the pencil icon for an authorized group and a window will appear.
In the Action tab, select the actions that the group can perform. You can allow the group to perform the following:
Export as public to Salesforce
Unlink article from Salesforce, read Unlinking a Confluence page from Salesforce for more details.
In the Mappings tab, check the mappings that you want to allow the group to export.
Click Save permission to save your changes.
What's next
Find out how to use the features in the user guide.