How to display Jira native and custom issue fields in the JQL Table


This page outlines an example of the JQL Table macro in action. The illustration guides you on how to fetch and display relevant Jira native and custom issue fields on a Confluence page using the JQL Table macro.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the required Jira instance is linked with the Confluence instance using application links. Contact your administrator for more information about application links.

  • Ensure that the Jira issues include the required custom fields.


1. Navigate to the required Confluence page and insert the JQL Table macro to the page.

Macro name

Advanced Tables - JQL Table

Macro syntax

{JQL table}

2. Navigate to JQL settings > Data source tab and select the required Jira instance from the drop-down Jira application links.

This field is mandatory! If the Jira instance is not specified, the macro shows an error as "Jira application links cannot be empty.".

3. Specify the JQL query in the Jira advanced search field.

This field is mandatory! You must specify a valid JQL to fetch information from the specified Jira instance. 

  • If the Jira advanced search is not specified, the macro shows an error as “Jira advanced search cannot be empty..

  • If you enter an incorrect query, an error is shown on the preview or after the page is saved as "The Jira server did not understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that its correctly formed.".

4. Navigate to JQL settings > Data settings, and define the parameter values. For more information, refer to JQL Table macro.


Macro parameter


Macro parameter


JQL settings > Data settings > Columns to display

Specify the list of Jira native and custom issue field names to be displayed in any order.

JQL settings > Data settings > Rows to display


JQL settings > Data settings > Output format


JQL settings > Data settings > Show result as table


JQL settings > Data settings > Capitalize first character of generated headings


JQL settings > Data settings > Render wiki style


5. Select Preview or Save settings, and publish the page.

Example result

In this example, the result is as shown:

Additional resources

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