Attachment Table macro - 8.x
On this page
The Attachment Table macro produces a table of attachments based on various selection criteria, including powerful space and page selection.
Further customization is possible by specifying filters to select attachments by name, comment content, and labels. You can select and indicate the order in which columns are to be displayed based on their column name or number. Refer to Columns available to display for details.
The resulting table can be customized and supports most common table capabilities.
Depending on the selection criteria used and a number of attachments, pages, and spaces that need to be processed, this could be a long running process. Choose your selection criteria carefully and consider using the Cache macro to limit the number of times the attachment list generation needs to be done and/or the Future macro to defer processing. The limit parameter described below can also be used to limit processing.
Basic use
This macro can be deployed using any of the following methods:
Selected from the macro browser | Advanced Tables - Attachment Table |
Markup shortcut | {attachment-table} |
See a live site creatively using the attachment-table macro
From Recorded Webinars
Refer to Use regex expressions to select attachments to learn how to form the regular expressions that are supported by several parameters of the macro.
Click a column heading to toggle the sorting of that column.
Attachment settings
Tabs | Macro editor label | Default | Description | Macro parameter |
Page filtering | Source | current page | Select the available source of a page from which you can fetch the attachments.
| attachmentSource |
Filter by space key or space name | Enter a regular expression (regex) to match with space keys or space names. Used in combination with the Page name regex parameter to select pages from which attachments are to be chosen. If left blank, the Page to list attachments from parameter is required. The following options indicate:
| spaceRegex | ||
Include personal spaces | Off | Enable to control whether personal spaces matching Space key or space name regex are to be included or not, to process and render attachments from the specified spaces. | includePersonalSpaces | |
Filter by page name | Enter a regular expression (regex) pattern to match on page names (titles). Used in combination with the Space key or space name regex parameter to select pages from which attachments are to be chosen. | pageRegex | ||
Filter by page label | Enter a regular expression (regex) pattern match on page labels. Used in combination with the Page name regex and Space key or space name regex parameters to select pages from which attachments are to be chosen. Pages must match with every selection criteria. | pageLabelRegex | ||
Attachment filtering | Attachment name regex | Enter a regular expression (regex) pattern to match on attachment names. Used in combination with the Attachment comment regex and Attachment label regex parameters to select attachments. Attachment must match with every selection criteria. | attachmentRegex | |
Attachment comment regex | Enter a regular expression (regex) pattern to match on attachment comments. Used in combination with the Attachment name regex and Attachment label regex parameters to select attachments. Attachment must match with every selection criteria. | commentRegex | ||
Attachment label regex | Enter a regular expression (regex) pattern to match on attachment labels. Used in combination with the Attachment name regex and Attachment comment regex parameters to select attachments. Attachment must match with every selection criteria. Matching technique is determined using the Label match option parameter. | labelRegex | ||
Label match option | single | Specify the manner in which to apply the Attachment label regex parameter (for attachments) and the Page label regex parameter (for pages) when looking for matching labels. The options are:
| labelMatchOption | |
Data settings | Columns to display | default columns | Enter a comma-separated list of column names or numbers in any order. When blank, a default set of columns is shown. Columns are enumerated starting at 1. See Columns available for display below for a list of columns. | columns |
Text to display when no attachments match | Enter the text to be displayed when no attachments are found that match the given search criteria. If left blank, no text is displayed if no attachments are found. | textForNone | ||
Date format | Confluence default | Enter a date format to format the dates in the created and modified columns. Use a simple date format string. | dateFormat | |
Limit number of attachments to retrieve | The default value is the admin-configured value for the parameter: Global Configuration > Maximum attachments to process. | Enter the number of attachments that the macro must retrieve.The default value is the admin-configured limit for the parameter Maximum attachments to process in Global Configuration. The field description displays the admin-configured value in Global Configuration. Suppose the user configures a value for the parameter Limit number of attachments to retrieve.
| limit | |
Retrieve attachments from child pages | false | Enable this option to list the child page attachments of the specified page in Space and Page parameters in the Page filtering tab. By default, only the attachments on the specified page are displayed. This option works only if Single page is selected in Page filtering > Source. | fromAllChildPages |
Common parameters
The parameters listed on this page are a part of our common table capabilities that are available in many macros that produce or modify tables.
Click a column heading to toggle the sorting of that column.
Columns available for display
The Attachment Table macro allows the user to select the columns to be displayed as well as the order in which the columns are to be displayed. A default set of columns is displayed unless an explicit list is provided. You can select and indicate the order in which columns are to be displayed based on their column name or number. Use the columns parameter to specify a comma separated list of column names or numbers.
The column names are case insensitive.
In most cases, the column heading can be used instead of the column name, but there are a few cases where that is ambiguous. In such a case, the first column matching the heading is used.
Default columns for single page attachments | file, size, creator, created, comment |
Default columns for multiple page attachments | page, file, size, creator, created, comment |
- Display thumbnails - 8.x
- Manage images in Confluence site - 8.x
- Show attachments from the current page - 8.x
- Use drag and drop - 8.x
- Use regex expressions to select attachments - 8.x
- How to set the maximum number of attachments to process for the Attachment Table macro?
Other macros
The list of all other macros available within this app is as follows:
- Table Plus macro - 8.x
- CSV Table macro - 8.x
- JSON Table macro - 8.x
- JQL Table macro - 8.x
- Attachment Table macro - 8.x
Additional references
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