Configuring Questions for Project Requests (2.7)

If you have given any groups the permission to request projects, you may want to define questions that an individual must answer when requesting that a project be created. These questions can be any of the following question types:

  • Text (single line text entry)
  • Text box (multi line text entry)
  • Select (drop down)

Adding a new question

  • From the Cog menu , choose Add-ons.
  • Locate the Delegated Project Creator section in the left sidebar and choose Project Request Settings to display the Configure Project Request Settings page.
  • From the Request Questions tab,
    • Supply the text for the question.
    • Select the question type (Text, Text box, or Select).
    • Supply the value.
      • For Text and Text box question types, the value you supply becomes the default value.
      • For Select question types, the value indicates the options to be displayed in the drop down. One option should be specified per line.
    • Click Add to save the new question.

Editing an existing question

From the Request Questions tab,

  • Hover over the Question field of an existing Question and click the pencil icon () to edit the Question inline.
  • Hover over the Type field of an existing Question and click the pencil icon () to edit the Type inline.
  • Hover over the Values field of an existing Question and click the pencil icon () to edit the Values inline.
  • Click Update to save your changes or Cancel to discard your changes.

Deleting an existing question

From the Request Questions tab,

  • Click the Delete button next to an existing Question to delete that question.

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