Release date:
Our team is thrilled to announce the latest release of OKR for Jira Cloud.
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Video overview
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New features
“Recent” feature for Owner and Team selectors
Following the recent release with the “Recent” feature added to Labels and Collaborators pickers, we’re adding a similar feature to Owner and Team selectors: you can easily select one of 5 lately used items at the top of the list:
Switching weights of Cancelled items to 0
When you close a KR with “Canceled” status, the KR’s weight will automatically switch to 0 so that it doesn’t impact the progress of the parent Objective. You can still change weights manually when assigning other statuses, like Failed or Rescheduled.
While closing an Objective, you can use a new “Change items weight to 0” toggle that will set the weights of this item and all its descendants to 0 if enabled.
When you close an Objective with “Canceled” status, the “Change items weight to 0” toggle will be activated automatically.
Bulk actions for Label management
While on the Labels settings page, you can select several labels to be removed or merged.
OKR status column available on Edit weights dialog
The Status column has been added to the Edit weights dialog to provide more context while deciding on weights:
Improved settings pages
Teams, Labels, and OKR types settings pages received unified layouts, tables, icons, pagination, search and edit experiences for general quality of life improvements.
Improved color picker in Settings
While creating or editing icons for Teams, Labels, and OKR Types, the improved color picker will ensure the text's contrast is sufficient to see it properly.
Questions and feedback
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A heartfelt thank you to our valued customers! Your incredible support inspires us to improve our apps continually. We appreciate your trust in OKR for Jira!