Please be informed that all our development work related to the BigPicture Trello platform has been temporarily withheld till the end of 2022. It does not mean that we gave up on the development of our Power-Up! We are intensively working on tasks that will enable us to enrich BigPicture with additional functionalities.
This year unfortunately you cannot expect any bug-fixing or feature releases. This means that any Feature Requests you may want to file will be put on the roadmap for the year ahead or postponed. We are still planning to keep collecting all Feature Requests and fixing any problems as soon as we possibly can.
We value our customers' feedback and promise to take it all up at the earliest possible opening.
We hope you agree with us that it is worth waiting for good things, that is why we ask you for patience to enjoy the fully-fledged BigPicture Trello platform in the coming year.