SILSecurityException when accessing files

In recent versions of Power Scripts for Confluence, we added a security feature that prevents the SIL Engine to access unauthorized file access.

By default you will have unrestricted access to the following directories:

  • sil.home (usually set on silprograms)

  • kepler.home (usually set on kepler)



  • <CONFLUENCE_HOME>/export

  • <CONFLUENCE_HOME>/import


  • The directory announced by

  • The user home directory, if the user under which Confluence runs has a home directory

Extra directories may be specified defining sil.allowed.dirs property. The Java process must be launched with -Dsil.allowed.dirs=<path1>:<path2> ('nix systems) or -Dsil.allowed.dirs=<path1>;<path2> (Windows). Attempting to access files outside designated directories will result in error.