

See also: Agile Client Actions


Use the board parameter for the board. Use the column parameter for the name of the new column. If '--options createAnother' is specified, a new column will be added even if a column exists with the same name. Use the status parameter for status to be mapped to the new column. The status parameter can be a comma separated list of status name or id. The status can be either unmapped or mapped with existing column. Use @default to auto create a status with same name as the new column. Auto creating status is only supported with project associated with simplified workflow. The statusCategory parameter is only used to specify the category of new status which is auto created by this action. Use @default to auto select the default undefined category.

Required Parameters

board, column

Optional Parameters

status, statusCategory, continue





Output Formats

Replacement Variables

board, boardId, column, columnId

Since Version10.0



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