\uD83E\uDD14 Problem
In Cloud, Comala Document Management default email notifications such as page assigned, page unassigned, etc. can’t be disabled.
Only custom notifications created through triggers can be managed in Comala Document Management Cloud.
If necessary, global email notifications can be disabled for the whole confluence instance by going to the confluence general settings.
Email notifications created using triggers can be modified or removed according to the customer’s needs.
Here is an email trigger example:
"triggers": [ { "event":"on-expire", "actions":[ { "action":"send-email", "recipients":[ "@watchers", "@creator", "@lastUpdatedBy" ], "notification":{ "subject":"${content.title} has expired", "title":"${content.title} has expired", "body":"Hello, ${content.link} in the ${content.space} space has expired and needs to be reviewed" } }, { "action":"set-message", "type":"info", "title":"Expired", "body":"The page has expired", "tags":"state", "mode":"autoClose" } ] } ]
The recipients and the text details can be modified according to the customer’s needs.