Building the Examplegear Database

Building the Examplegear Database

Our Recipes for Business Intelligence & Automation are based off a fictitious software company known as Examplegear, Inc. with growing international sales across several products.

If you would like to follow along with our recipes on your own, please feel free to download and build the following Examplegear database locally. It is intended for use with the Community edition of MySQL, but the instructions and DDL statements can be adjusted for another DBMS if desired.

(info) Before installing the database, be sure to install MySQL.

Examplegear Database Release History

VersionDate ReleasedNotes
Installation Instructions for Examplegear Database v4.02016-02-22v4.0 release of database, adding additional an additional employee to the Employees table.
Installation Instructions for Examplegear Database v3.02016-01-29v3.0 release of database, adding additional releases to the Products table, additional departments to the Departments table, and additional employees to the Employees table.
Installation Instructions for Examplegear Database v2.02015-05-13v2.0 release of database, adding additional employees to the Employees table.

Installation Instructions for Examplegear Database v1.0

2015-04-27Initial release of database




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