Workload Plans


Workload plans are the basis for resource capacity calculation. A workload plan specifies how many hours of work a resource can contribute each day. Assign workload plans to resources to reflect their capacity.

Access to resource capacity information makes it possible to monitor workload distribution and avoid under/over-allocation of resources.

→ Find out more about capacity calculation

→ Learn how to check resource capacity

View workload plans

All Workload plans are listed in the Workload plans tab in BigPicture Administration.

Workload plan details





Basic attributes

Identifying information:

  • name

  • code

  • code color

  • description (optional)

Max weekly workload

A workload plan cannot be saved when the limit is exceeded. It is possible to distribute less than the limit allows.


The max weekly workload does NOT influence the resource capacity - capacity is impacted by the actual workload distribution (specified above the purple columns).

Workload distribution

Worklad distribution is marked in purple and specified above the calendar columns - it is the basis for daily capacity calculation.

Set the number of hours to zero to signify a non-working day.

Weekly workload total is visible in the top left corner of the calendar panel (sum of all days of the week).


The weekly workload total cannot exceed the max weekly workload limit of the plan.


  • capacity calculation

  • team capacity calculation

  • non-working days

Default status

Code name of the plan = DEFAULT

The default workload plan is automatically assigned to all new resources added to BigPicture.


  • When you delete a workload plan, affected resources are assigned to the default workload plan instead.


  • You cannot delete the default workload plan (you can only edit it).

  • You cannot assign the default status to a different workload plan.

  • You cannot change the code name of a default holiday plan.

Manage workload plans

A newly created plan is NOT assigned to any resources.

Basic workload plan details

All workload plan attributes

  • You cannot delete the default workload plan

  • At least one workload plan must always exist

  • Resources assigned to a deleted plan are assigned to the default workload plan instead

Workload Plans tab

Workload Pland details screen

View workload plan assignment





Resource details page

List of all workload plans assigned to a user

Workload plan detials page

List of all users assigned to a workload plan

Individuals tab

List of users and their current information (read-only)






Name of a workload plan

Start date

Workload plans are applied to a time period. Start date must be provided. You can use a future date to assign a workload plan to a user.


Efficiency lets you influence capacity without modifying the workload plan.

If you want to simulate a non-human resource or use a single user to represent a team, you can use the efficiency multiplier.

Use efficiency to reduce the capacity resulting from the Workload plan by setting a value below 1.

End date

End date is calculated automatically. When a new workload plan assignment is added, the start date of a new assignment sets the end date of the previous workload plan assignment.

Manage workload plan assignment