Workload Plan Attributes

Basic attributes

  • name

  • code

  • code color

  • description (optional)


Identifying workload plans.

Max weekly workload 


A workload plan cannot be saved when the limit is exceeded. It is possible to distribute less than the limit allows.


The max weekly workload does NOT influence the resource capacity - capacity is impacted by the actual workload distribution (specified above the purple columns).

Workload distribution


Daily capacity is based on the workload distribution (specified above the purple calendar columns). Set the number of hours to zero to signify a non-working day.

Results in the weekly workload total - the sum of the weekly distributed workload is visible in the top left corner of the calendar panel.


  • capacity calculation

  • team capacity calculation

  • non-working days


The weekly workload total cannot exceed the max weekly workload limit of the plan.

Default status 


The default workload plan is automatically assigned to all new resources added to BigPicture.


  • When you delete a workload plan, affected resources are assigned to the default workload plan instead.


  • You cannot delete the default workload plan (you can only edit it).

  • You cannot assign the default status to a different workload plan.