
This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.


About Dataplane

Arsenale® Dataplane™ is designed for metrics-focused technical, product and project managers who require sophisticated charting and analysis of KPIs and trends in their Jira data. 

Our proprietary data engine unlocks the power of Jira project and issue history, allowing you to reach back in time and look at historical trends, chart the timing of transitions, analyze issue links, and evaluate project and team performance.

Dataplane's intuitive interface gets you from question to answer incredibly fast. Even non-technical users can easily produce rich and actionable reports in seconds.

 Arsenale Dataplane reporting for Jira gives you:

  • Powerful Built-in Reports: track issue trends, inter-project links, work logged and much more
  • Interactive Charts and Tables: create data-rich, graphical reports across multiple Jira projects or categories
  • Customize and Save Reports: build your own directory of customized reports that can be run with a single click
  • Subscribe to Reports: automatically run and email reports on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule
  • Dashboard Gadgets: display Dataplane reports as gadgets on your existing Jira dashboards (and in Confluence too!)
  • Report Sharing: give other team members the ability to run and copy your customized reports
  • Report Favorites: mark your most-used reports, either your own or those shared with you, and find them all in one place
  • Customizer Scripts: use Dataplane's Groovy-based scripting capabilities to change the colors of chart segments, rename chart axes, sort tabular data, and more.
  • Leverage Jira Search Filters and JQL: use your existing Jira search filters or custom JQL for targeted results
  • Slice and Dice: segment report results by any combination of issue fields for drill-down analysis
  • Goal Lines and Annotations: annotate your charts with goal or performance threshold lines, burn up guidelines, and target zones using powerful new Customizer Script keywords.
  • PDF, Excel & CSV Exports: download reports to pristine PDF for sharing, or export to CSV for offline analysis. You can add your own custom corporate letterhead or project logos to exports, adjust the style of the reports, and more.
  • Jira Data Center: Dataplane was designed for large instances and it is fully compatible with Jira Data Center deployments.

Dataplane includes full translations in English, German and Japanese. Need support for another language? Head over to the Arsenale Translations Site and help us translate Dataplane to your language.

Arsenale Dataplane is a certified Atlassian Verified app and a standard 100% Java and Jira-native product. Dataplane requires no external configuration, no extra databases, no other tools or services, and all data stays behind your firewall. With Jira Data Center compatibility, Dataplane also enjoys all of the benefits of high availability, distributed load, and redundancy that come with the core Jira application.

What's New in 2.3

Read on for highlights of Dataplane 2.3. For a complete list of all the new features, improvements and fixes, see the 2.3 Release Notes.

Export Jira Dashboards to PDF

With one click, export all Dataplane reports on your Jira dashboard to a single PDF file, maintaining the style, layout and formatting of your dashboard.

Customize Chart Category Order and Name

Many teams rely on presenting key metrics in a well-defined and consistent order, such as when comparing sprints, epics, issue types or resolutions.

Dataplane 2.3 introduces the new category and categoryRegex keywords in Dataplane Customizer Scripts, giving you complete control of the ordering and naming of domain axis categories in Current Issue ValuesSum Numeric Field and other non-historical reports.

Extended Chart Options for Issues Entering Status Reports

Arsenale Dataplane's powerful Issues Entering Status by Date report has been extended to plot either cumulative or non-cumulative results, and to allow for a full range of chart types including column, grouped column and area charts. 

For teams with complex and custom workflows, add this report to your Jira dashboard or to any Confluence page as a replacement for Jira's basic Created vs. Resolved Gadget. The Issues Entering Status by Date report lets you compare arbitrary groupings of custom and built-in statuses, making it an excellent tool for analyzing the flow of transitions through your custom workflows.

Dataplane Speaks 日本語

Arsenale Dataplane is now fully translated into Japanese, in addition to German and English. 

The Dataplane customer base has grown dramatically in size and geography over the last year, and we're happy to now provide our Japanese customers with a native language experience. (リックソフトが翻訳! Dataplaneが日本語で使用できます!)

Many thanks to the excellent team at Ricksoft—a valued Arsenale resale partner and Atlassian Platinum Expert—for their work on the translation. Ricksoft provides customers with professional services covering Atlassian product implementation, virtualization usage, large instance deployment, plugin development and performance tuning.

Licensing and Pricing

Arsenale Dataplane is available for purchase exclusively from Atlassian Marketplace.


Arsenale Dataplane is backed by the responsive Arsenale Support team. If you encounter any challenges, please let us know and we will be happy to work with you to solve your issues.

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