This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.
Configuring Dataplane
David Goldstein
Scott Dudley
To administer Arsenale Dataplane, locate the main JIRA navigation bar and select Dataplane Reports » Administration.
The add-on administration page is accessible to all users with JIRA Administration privileges.
Configure Tab
This section describes the options available under the Configure tab.
Building the History Index
Before you can run any reports with Arsenale Dataplane, you must build Dataplane's history index. This is a one-time operation.
Once the history index is built, Arsenale Dataplane updates the index in real-time to ensure that your reports are always using the most up-to-date data.
Rebuilding the index can take a long time – up to a few hours on large systems. While all indexing is done in the background and should not affect regular JIRA use, users will be unable to run Dataplane reports while the index is being built.
To build the history index, from the Dataplane Administration page select the Configuration tab and click the Build Index button.
While the Arsenale Dataplane index is being built, you can view the progress on this same Configuration page.
The index build is done as a background process. While the index is being built, you do not need to remain on the Dataplane Administration page, or on the Configuration tab within that page. You are free to browse anywhere else in JIRA, and may return to the Dataplane Administration page at any point to see the latest index build progress.
Once the Dataplane index build is complete, you will see the updated indexer status on this page:
Removing the History Index
If you need to uninstall Arsenale Dataplane permanently, you can use the Remove Index button on the same Configuration tab to remove all existing Dataplane index data from your JIRA database. This will drop all of the tables that Dataplane created to build an index.
Depending on your database, dropping the tables may or may not release the recovered space back to the filesystem.
Configuring User Permissions
Permission to use Arsenale Dataplane is granted under Dataplane Access Permission on the Configuration tab of the Arsenale Dataplane » Administration page.
By default, all users in the jira-administrators and jira-users groups are given access to Dataplane. The Dataplane Reports JIRA menu item will be visible to groups in this permissions list.
In general, users who are not in any group in the permissions list will not see any Dataplane menus or be able to run reports directly through Dataplane. However, if an existing Dataplane user creates a report, shares it, and adds the resulting shared report to a JIRA dashboard that is visible to other users, everyone who is able to see the dashboard will also be able to view the Dataplane report, even if those individuals do not otherwise have Dataplane privileges. This allows administrators to restrict report creation to a select group of users, but still to display read-only Dataplane reports to other users on dashboards and information radiators.
To give groups permission to use Dataplane, type in the group names and click Add Groups.
To remove groups of users from the permissions list, select those groups and click on Remove Selected Groups.
The permissions list does not grant add-on administration privileges.
The Dataplane administration page is only accessible to users with JIRA Administration privileges.
Configuring Customizer Script Permission
Dataplane 2.0+ includes the ability for users to create Groovy-based Customizer Scripts, which are sandboxed Groovy-based scripts that can be used to modify or extend the functionality of individual Dataplane reports.
By default, all users in the jira-users and jira-administrators groups are granted permission to use Customizer Scripts. If you wish to prevent some or all of these users from using Customizer Scripts, you may customize the list of groups under the Customizer Script Permission section on the Configuration tab of Dataplane Reports » Administration.
Dataplane also handles saved reports that use Customizer Script: in order to run the report, either the user who created the report or the user who is currently accessing the report must have Customizer Script permission. This means that a small set of users may be given Customizer Script permission, who can then create a set of reports that can be shared with a larger set of users who do not have Customizer Script permission.
Note that Customizer Script permission is checked in real time. For example, if a trusted user is given Customizer Script permission and then saves a report with a script, any other user in the system (even those without Customizer Script permission) will be able to run the report. However, if Customizer Script permission is later withdrawn from the user who saved the report, only those other users who have Customizer Script permission will be able to run the report (even if the saved report itself has not been changed).
Support Tab
This section describes the options available under the Support tab.
Enabling Debug Logging
The Support tab on the Arsenale Dataplane » Administration page shows a number of key properties of your JIRA and Dataplane instance. This information is particularly helpful to reference whenever working with Arsenale Support to debug and resolve a possible Dataplane issue.
When working with Arsenale Support you may be asked to enable Dataplane debug logging on this page to see and share more verbose Dataplane status information. To do so, click the Enabled checkbox next to the Debug Logging option.
Enabling Debug Logging can have an impact on application performance, so it should normally be left disabled.
Dataplane Labs Tab
This section describes the options available under the Dataplane Labs tab. Occasionally, Arsenale Dataplane releases include a number of optional, experimental features. These features are always shipped disabled, so you must explicitly enable them in your Dataplane instance.
Enhanced Customizer Script Editor
This feature enables an enhanced online text editor for Customizer Scripts, which allows the end user to use a feature-rich editor when modifying their scripts. If the enhanced editor is disabled, Dataplane will provide users with a standard text box control to edit the Customizer Script instead. (In either case, the Customizer Script editor is accessed by clicking the More Options link on report configuration pages.)
The enhanced script editor includes the following features:
- syntax highlighting of customizer blocks, making it easier to understand your script and to see mistakes,
- line numbers, so that you can easily navigate your script,
- code folding, so that you can easily show and hide blocks within "{ }" braces, and
- a dynamically-resizable text area.
When enabled, the enhanced editor will be enabled globally for all users, except those who are using Internet Explorer. Regardless of any selections made here, Internet Explorer users will always use the regular Customizer Script editor.
To enable or disable the enhanced editor, go to Dataplane Reports » Administration, click on the tab for Dataplane Labs, and enable or disable the Customizer Script editor checkbox. The enhanced editor is experimental and it may be changed in future versions of Dataplane.
In order to be able to edit a Customizer Script with either editor, the user must also be a member of one of the groups that has Customizer Script Permission.
Example of the enhanced Customizer Script editor:
Example of the regular Customizer Script editor:
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