Set the SLA Goal as Next Business Day

This page is about Time to SLA for Jira On-Prem. Using Jira Cloud? Click the Cloud button above.

  1. Go to SLAs, and click Add New SLA Definition.

  2. Find Goals, and select Next Business Day.

  3. Select the number of business days.

  4. Pick the calendar you want to set up the SLA goal for.

That’s it! Your SLA goal has been set as the Next Business Day. Keep this in mind:

"Next business day" refers to the next working day according to the regular business hours of the company. For example, let’s say a company operates from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm. For an SLA that started counting at 9 am, selecting Next Business Day will give you time to work on the issue until 6 pm. You can pick as many business days as you'd like and not worry about break times, as the calculation will be done accordingly.

For instance, if a customer creates a ticket outside of the company's working hours, such as at 8 pm on a Friday, the SLA will start counting from 9 am on the following Monday, and will end at 6 pm on that same Monday. This is the standard practice for most companies when using the "next business day" calculation.